Example sentences of "would expect [verb] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With her porcelain skin , china doll face and fragile figure , Josephine Mitchell is the last person you 'd expect to find strong-arming thugs around Summer Bay , let alone pinning down macho man Craig McLachlan in a passionate clinch .
2 If we were to move from standstill to cutbacks , we would expect to see further changes in behaviour .
3 Going by their logic , we would expect to see riotous behaviour by stressed small business owners and financial investors at rugby union or American football matches .
4 For example whatever the nature of the case be it acute or chronic I would expect to see some signs of improvement indicating a curative response within a very short while .
5 If the secularisation of the working-class had gone ahead as rapidly as Engels wished to believe , one would expect to see some reflection of this in figures showing the growth of Rationalist and Secularist Societies .
6 Nobody expects councillors to be able to do sums involving three hundred and fifteen or fourteen million erm without professional help , just like any business would expect to use professional help for that .
7 Thus one would expect to observe negative coefficients on the current and lagged .
8 If there were large regions of anti-matter in our galaxy , we would expect to observe large quantities of radiation from the borders between the regions of matter and antimatter , where many particles would be colliding with their antiparticles , annihilating each other and giving off high energy radiation .
9 ‘ And while we would expect to win that game at home , I 'm under no illusions .
10 One would expect to pass those kind of suburbs while lifting the eyes to what still lay in the centre , busy , well kept , and profitable .
11 Similarly , if we could trace back the ancestry of all the genes in existing mice , through successive replications , for the same long period , we would expect to find those genes in animals belonging to a single species .
12 If I had done the things he has done , if I had copulated with whores so indiscriminately and shamelessly , then I too would expect to find some signs of such evil upon my frame .
13 The Court of Appeal rejected the Council 's defence on the ground , not that the ticket changed hands too late , but that it was not a contractual document ; for no reasonable person would expect to find contractual terms in a document which was no more than a receipt for him to prove that he had paid and which in many instances ( i.e. in the absence of the attendant ) would not change hands until long after the contract was made .
14 Although more tension may be applied to the lower posterior wall of the reservoir than to the anterior wall during construction , one would expect to show greater differences in scores for these sites in relatively recently constructed reservoirs compared with those that had been in situ for several years , and the pathological changes would also be expected to be more like those of mucosal ischaemia .
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