Example sentences of "or [adv] [adj] form [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , courts would in practice normally set a new payments schedule , allowing repossession ( or perhaps some form of money sanction instead ) if the new schedule was not kept up .
2 In our old age we have found a more or less peaceful form of co-existence .
3 Even poetry would not address such matters except in the more or less orthodox , more or less devotional form of Paradise Lost .
4 Only political units which were small and remote from the international conflicts which agitated the greater powers , as were the Swiss cantons and some of the city-states of Germany and Italy , could hope to dispense permanently with some more or less effective form of kingship .
5 In practice , much academic interpretation — whether New Critical , archetypal , deconstructive , or whatever — is really , in his terms , a more or less refined form of description or ‘ scansion ’ .
6 Gastroenterologists , therefore , have a responsibility to review their results to show whether or not this form of surveillance is effective .
7 This is seen as using RDS as a data channel of very limited capacity in conjunction with a speech synthesis chip or possibly some form of printer in the car ( it could provide automatic translation when travelling abroad ) as a means of sending ‘ traffic telegrams ’ to cars without interrupting the radio programmes .
8 When the number of enquiries gets too large for a logarithmic search , or even some form of interpolation search , an indexing technique can be used to retrieve records more quickly .
9 The seeds are all the external influences that tend to throw us out of balance and they may affect us on any level of our being ; on the physical level it may be something simple like being exposed to a cold wind , getting soaked in the rain or even some form of trauma .
10 Also , you may have the high speed shutter feature , or even some form of program auto-exposure .
11 Guilds could be the answer , or alternatively some form of temple control : either way , the tablets imply a minutely ordered society .
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