Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] himself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Llambias ' services do not come cheap — they are a combination of a retainer ‘ sufficient to make them think really seriously ’ and a success fee that is a percentage of the fee income of the smaller firm ( sometimes 5% or 7.5% ) — but he prides himself on the longevity of the mergers he arranges .
2 His Irish wife , Aylish O'Flaherty , ran off with their son , whom she feared would be raised as a heretic ; this was enough , by the statutes of the time , to have the marriage dissolved and the boy dispossessed ; but he distinguished himself in the Civil War , raising a troop of horse for the royalists , while the castle was occupied by Cromwellian troops .
3 Mr Richardson said : ‘ His mother tried to bar him from using the telephone but he connected himself to the line by running a piece of wire under the carpet and soldering it to the telephone terminal . ’
4 v. Wilts U.D. , but he addresses himself to the question and uses his intelligence .
5 Mr Mellor was a great individualist , always putting on a good performance for the cameras , but he put himself before the Cabinet team .
6 Assistant manager Mick Tait said : ‘ He was pencilled in to play , but he withdrew himself before the game . ’
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