Example sentences of "as [pron] walk [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With enough computational skill , a contoured ‘ stained-glass ’ window in a church , say , could show a whole sequence of devotional images as someone walked down the aisle towards it .
2 A series of falls hidden from immediate view follows the gill on the left-hand side and one May morning as I walked up the gill the falls were roaring after the heavy rains of the week before .
3 Rickie was literally dancing in circles around me as I walked down the dock towards his sister , but then he paused in his frenetic progress to light one cigarette from the stump of another , and I wondered just what perverted fate decreed that such a boy should receive a legacy of six million dollars .
4 It was this image that accompanied me as I walked down the rue de Fleuve , stopping for a final coup d'oeil at the squat church crouching on its gravel ground .
5 It was growing dark as I walked down the pier alone , his jacket draped over my shoulders , and I wondered if I should really look for Wilde at all .
6 As I walk round the croft I can feel a strange sensation in my stomach , a feeling not unlike fear , and I now know that she is dead .
7 As you walk around the outside , look for any defects which may reflect themselves internally .
8 As you walk along the scene will change slightly and there will be more things for you to experience .
9 Seeing : As you walk along the street , relax in your own home or work in your office , learn to become aware of your surroundings .
10 As you walk along the street , Puerto Rican youths whisper offers of ‘ Poison ’ and ‘ Cash ’ , two of the brand names of the local heroin , stamped on the bags the drug comes wrapped in .
11 Ahead of you as you walk along the length of the piazza is the Casa del Manzoni , Manzoni 's house , a fine nineteenth century building in which the writer lived from 1813 until his death on 22 May 1873 .
12 She wanted to be noticed in all her finery and as she walked up the aisle she kept stopping to give a little cough on the back of her hand and looking from side to side .
13 ‘ Darling I 'm so proud of you , ’ he said as she walked down the staircase at Clarence House .
14 As she walked down the aisle her heart brimmed over with love and adoration for Charles .
15 As she walked down the companionway to the lower deck the breeze moulded her couture suit of cream silk bouquet against the contours of her body .
16 She was thinking about Donna later , as she walked down the ward to see if the new patient had arrived .
17 Sara shivered a little in her thin American suit as she walked down the gangway and got into the bus which was to take her and the other passengers to the arrival building .
18 All our suppressed mirth escapes in little bubbles as we walk along the road .
19 On the 18th tee we hit the same 3-wood , and as we walked down the fairway the crowds were massed around the last green ; the noise was unbelievable .
20 The embalmers had done what they could but , even as they walked up the nave , both Cranston and Athelstan caught the whiff of putrefaction .
21 Shivering in their nakedness , and all shorn of their hair , the actors kept on only their stage boots as they walked back the way they had come .
22 She had watched from the window as they walked down the jetty , anxious as a mother sending her children off on their first day at school .
23 ‘ As a matter of fact , ’ Phil tells Howard one day , as they walk along the street eating fish and chips out of a Greek newspaper , ‘ I think it 's probably going to be the spitting image of you . ’
24 As they walk down the landing all you hear is , ‘ Nonce , nonce , nonce , nonce . ’
25 Information and Planning , he was thinking as he walked up the ramp , shoulders stooped to further alter his appearance .
26 It was also noticed that he ceased to whistle unconsciously as he walked up the aisle from the vestry .
27 DETECTIVES are hunting the killer of a friendly bus driver gunned down as he walked up the driveway to his North-East home .
28 If the cuddly Lord Spencer , for whom the nation held its breath as he walked down the aisle of St Paul 's Cathedral to give away his daughter Diana , will be sorely missed , it is far from clear whether the departure of his widow from Althorp will be seen as a loss .
29 A shot of a police station was used to accompany a voice-over commentary that " some CID men take bribes " ; for two and a half seconds , the officer could be identified in the film as he walked down the station steps .
30 He left his office , nodded to Bourne as he walked down the hall , and called , ‘ I 'm going out . ’
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