Example sentences of "we look at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we look at a random list of typical game structures we shall find that they reflect some of life 's common interactions and are obviously just as important in drama .
2 Erm that has been a matter of serious discussion here and I know with some of the local authorities , and the fact of the matter is sir that we feel that if we look at the agricultural land quality of this county , if you were to have a criteria based policy which included the requirement that strategic sites should avoid good quality agricultural land erm you have n't got a policy at all because this is a county which has mostly its territory covered by good quality agricultural land especially in those parts of this county where strategic development might be expected to actually happen .
3 They should be borne in mind as we look at the final symptom of this ‘ strange rise ’ : the dispersal of the libraries , and the libraries themselves caught in this downward spiral .
4 This idea links closely both to Donaldson 's notion of embedded and disembedded thought and to Vygotsky 's demand that we look at the total context in which information is exchanged and understood .
5 When we look at the vast evidence of the relations of cultural production , in so many different societies and historical periods , it is clear that it would be unwise to adopt , as our first theoretical construct , some universal or general explanatory scheme of the necessary relations between ‘ culture ’ and ‘ society ’ .
6 And if we look at the patristic understanding of atonement , what hits us with startling freshness is that the Divine Drama is alive and pulsating with the tension and conflict of the Great Battle .
7 Here we look at the current cost of tax welfare .
8 Erm , when we look at the environmental strategy , I always think that environmental strategies are common sense to people , and that sometimes the involvement of large organizations is sometimes counter-productive .
9 The profit was down thirty million or so and if we look at the geographic breakdown of profit , er the U S A was up er and yet if er Addison Wesley was about the same Penguin was up ten so where did this thirty million drop in profits at oil services arise , was it in the U K and Singapore as opposed to the U S or , or was there something different about Penguin U S compared with Penguin U K ?
10 Right so the functional form test , if we look at the kie squared version , right , again we 've got a very small er test statistic implying there 's no breach of functional form right , the , the log er specification , right , seems to be working okay , there 's no problems with it erm if we now look at normality we 've got a bit of a problem with normality , right in that our test statistic is now four point nine , if we look at the critical value at the five percent level of kie when kie squared two , ah it 's not too bad , our five percent critical value of the kie squared two is five point nine nine , so although that test statistic is reasonably high , I mean you 'd probably reject , oh yes , we can reject the null at ten percent of normally distributed errors we would n't reject the null at five percent erm let's just have a look at in actual fact at those errors to see what the problem is .
11 we look at the demographic trend and the correlation
12 The monotony of the individual neurones is irrelevant ; what matters is the infinite variety of their combinations , of their patterns , which will become evident when we look at the nervous system at the right level .
13 Trying an idea out on somebody is a very good way of exposing flaws in your argument , and in fact if we look at the present energy debate , so much of it is concerned with interpretation which one would have thought , taking a simple view of science , were just factual matters that we realize that this discussion of science is perhaps more difficult than people would imagine , so there is opportunity in the course to try and help students to become more fluent in scientific discussion , discussion of scientific ideas between themselves , and of their own ideas about science .
14 Staff numbers statement erm and , and we look at the right hand column , you will find that we have a hundred and thirty nine fee earning people , and fifty eight support .
15 In this chapter we look at the general nature of weak syllables .
16 If we look at the magnetic field in a region in which no currents flow , the analogy is even closer because unc and we can introduce a magnetic scalar potential with the relation
17 If we look at the whole population of beavers , those that possess the mutated gene will , on average , tend therefore to rear more offspring than those not possessing the mutated gene .
18 ‘ But the demand is coming from the young so we look at the educational side to cut that demand . ’
19 Nor is the situation any different when we look at the trial-and-error component of the behaviour by which bees learn to harvest flower species efficiently .
20 Alright but in any double logged mode , right , the coefficients you estimate are elasticities , so we look at the incoming elasticity , we get a measure , or we get an estimate point six eight , right , that 's a positive as we would expect suggesting that er erm textiles are a normal good , right .
21 he 's just saying that in a group if we look at the historical background of the language , it helps to see you know how What the strong points are of the linguistic and what we need to be bolstered on .
22 When we look at the electronic information base of a local authority we need to find ways in which Councillors and Officers can communicate with clarity , confidence and trust at four broad levels :
23 There are three further surprises for us as we look at the Old Testament teaching about the Spirit of God .
24 In Section 7.4 we look at the special case of inherently restrictive adjectives .
25 When we look at the open countryside it does n't really to my mind say a great deal about er what is what should be considered acceptable .
26 If we look at the initial response to Maastricht , the omens are not wholly encouraging .
27 But when we look at the positive side , and that 's where we 've got a plan a cunning plan if you watch Black Adder at all !
28 When we look at the English writing system we see how badly it fits the spoken language .
29 We must consider that when we look at an alternative structure for the present arrangements for meat hygiene inspection .
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