Example sentences of "we go [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 'll be all right when we go down the other side . ’
2 If we find an inmate who is taking drugs we go through the disciplinary procedures .
3 There are an awful lot of masses arising , probably most of this will be covered again as we go through the other items on the agenda .
4 We go through the whole song with both of us making the noises and me doing the actions .
5 You talk about leading questions again that testing trial closed where we 'd just test the water before we go for the actual commitment .
6 ‘ Every day , we go to the feeding centres .
7 We go to the new track in the South of France at Albertville , which is where the Olympics are .
8 With petit mal , the small fit , it used to called vaguely , you could talk to somebody and then go on nattering away and then suddenly the person would switch off and then just stare and then after a while they come back and talk to you and it 's , they pick up exactly where they 've left off , so as I say it used to be called day dreaming , now that 's the low end of the scale , now we go to the other end of the scale and remember please that there 's no set type for an epileptic , anybody , anywhere , any age at any time can have an epileptic fit , you do n't have to be that type , do n't .
9 Then we go to the taboo language and if you talk about when you go to the toilet , if you Everybody excuses themselves to leave and that 's both men and women and then somehow you have to say where you 're going , so the women are more likely to use the polite sort of euphemistic kinds of things like they 'd say toilet or loo , whereas the men are more likely to say bog .
10 We can see the reason if we go to the opposite end of the scale and focus on selfishness .
11 Even with such insight it has to be said : we go to the exotic other to lose everything , including ourselves — everything that is but the privilege which enabled us to go in the first place .
12 If we go to the High Atlas of Morocco , we find even closer similarities , with basic intrusions and extrusions within the familiar red sandstone .
13 ‘ It 's only justice we go into the New Year on top , ’ he said .
14 If we go into the New Year in 10th place , we are not going to be able to do it . ’
15 Now let's test your turf knowledge as we go into the commercial break .
16 We go out the back door .
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