Example sentences of "we shall [verb] in the next " in BNC.

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1 Its most striking answer in International Relations has been systems theory , which we shall examine in the next chapter .
2 You should also note , in using hedging and qualifying expressions , that they will affect the overall tone or REGISTER of your essay ( as we shall examine in the next chapter ) .
3 ‘ I can not guarantee we shall legislate in the next session since one never can — it is always understood that a final decision is taken nearer the Queen 's speech , ’ Mr Lang said
4 British imperial and industrial success appeared unlimited , but in fact was already being compromised by long-term processes of economic and political change , which we shall outline in the next two sections .
5 They favoured unitary authorities for most of England though , as we shall explain in the next chapter , this recommendation was never implemented .
6 Daraprim ( pyrimethamine ) , a very different substance , evolved some years later from research of more general significance , to which we shall return in the next chapter .
7 As we have already mentioned , and as we shall reiterate in the next chapter , the distinction between these two forms of insanity is probably more a matter of psychiatric convenience than aetiological reality .
8 Hence Behaviouralism , the version of a more general behaviourism specific to International Relations , which we shall meet in the next chapter , is commonly spoken of as a Positive approach and often contrasted with Realism on this score .
9 Some products and places provide a few exceptions to this pattern , as we shall discover in the next chapter , and there were considerable , if patchy and delayed , efforts towards ‘ re-industrialization ’ ( Chapter 10 ) , which created the estimated increase of manufacturing employment across all regions of the North from 1987 to 1989 , averaging 1.4 per cent , probably arrested by 1990 .
10 The Spirit is no less than the personal , moral , active power of the Lord God , and for the further revelation of his nature we must await Act Two , the coming of Jesus , to which we shall turn in the next chapter .
11 As we shall discuss in the next chapter , there is a lot more work to be done before the causal process underlying this relationship is laid bare : we do not know whether it is through buying a better diet or better medical care , for example , that richer countries improve their life expectancy .
12 As we shall discuss in the next chapter , this is a question that has concerned pluralists much more .
13 It was worked out by the Austrian ethologist Karl von Frisch in the middle of this century , by methods we shall discuss in the next section .
14 As we shall see in the next chapter , arriving at a balance between these two is often what drama educationalists are seeking .
15 We shall see in the next chapter how carrying comparisons with living animals too far can result in curious and inaccurate pictures of the past .
16 The results were not to be entirely bad , as we shall see in the next section .
17 Put in another way , the same smoothing recipe applied to different time series will produce different resulting shapes for the smooth , which , as we shall see in the next chapter , is not the case when fitting straight lines .
18 In either case , the line thus calculated is only a first approximation , and will be tuned up , as we shall see in the next section .
19 Rather than misdirecting attacks , they repel them altogether , as we shall see in the next chapter . .
20 One of those misled was Trotsky himself , who completely misread the real import of what Bukharin had written , as we shall see in the next chapter .
21 Or — as we shall see in the next chapter — perhaps you have payoffs and hidden agendas which are keeping you stuck ?
22 As we shall see in the next chapter , there are those who believe that management have often adopted forms of work organisation which give rise to unsatisfying jobs because it is cheaper for them so to do .
23 It is the argument of Braverman and some other radicals ( though not of most of Braverman 's critics , as we shall see in the next chapter ) that within capitalism the inherently antagonistic relationship between capital and labour inevitably generates a ‘ low trust ’ relationship .
24 We shall see in the next section that partly as a result of secularisation religion has become privatised and inward looking .
25 As we shall see in the next chapter these very high strengths are not in fact confined to glass fibres but can be got from almost any solid , glassy or crystalline .
26 As we shall see in the next chapter , in natural materials like wood , the long-chain molecules are arranged roughly parallel to the length of the tree , that is to say , more or less in the direction of the most important stresses .
27 As we shall see in the next chapter , the consequence of this stiffness is that timber has had to evolve a work of fracture mechanism which is quite different and a good deal more ingenious .
28 And as we shall see in the next chapter , a number of feminists would agree with them about that .
29 Romanticism has had an immensely powerful impact on the modern outlook , and we shall see in the next chapter how it fed into theology at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
30 As we shall see in the next chapter , their commercial urge to expand was not adequately disciplined by proper costing , though in this particular case the distortions caused were quite small .
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