Example sentences of "she sat [prep] the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She sat at the breakfast bar and lit herself a cigarette .
2 For a long time she sat at the breakfast bar , gazing into space , searching for answers and finding none .
3 She sat at the breakfast table , trying to calm her nerves , and eventually she drew the envelope from her housecoat pocket and opened it , reading the words that were written inside , and feeling the blood drain from her face .
4 After making the tea she sat at the kitchen table to drink it , and was still sitting there when dawn broke .
5 The words stuck in Folly 's mind , coming back to her next morning as she sat at the Rose Bowl 's work-table , preparing roses for conditioning by crushing the tips of their stems with a heavy mallet .
6 She sat with the chicken pot in her lap , tearing off pieces of the bird and handing them round .
7 as she sat with the terracotta jar
8 SHE sat on the park bench waiting for Richard , her head turned to look towards the main gate .
9 Tallis moved quietly round the house and came up behind the hunter ; she sat on the rush matting and hugged her knees , listening to what was being said .
10 She sat on the kitchen doorstep , knees wide apart , frowning .
11 I grinned then , I recall , and brought the stunter down fast and acute across the weeds and the water , the sand and the surf , scudding it in across the wind to jerk and zoom just before it hit the girl herself where she sat on the dune top holding and spasmodically jerking the string she held in her hand , connected to the sky .
12 Isobel took it , and he drew her down so she sat on the silk rug at his feet , on a pattern of birds and flowers , of blues and scarlets and browns .
13 She sat in the sphinx position , with her eyes closed .
14 She sat in the wicker chair beside the bed and began , after a little , to feel comfortable and sleepy .
15 In the afternoons she sat in the dining room with Edward 's love letters .
16 She sat in the chair Wycliffe had vacated .
17 On the journey , she sat in the Underground carriage next to Connor , saying very little , watching the other passengers .
18 Lisa 's fingers were wrapped around her teacup as she sat by the gas fire , staring into it .
19 She sat by the guttering fire and watched creatures move along the river .
20 She sat by the drawing-room fire with them .
21 Dressed casually in button-down-collared shirt , faded denims and suede cowboy boots , she sat behind the mixing console of one of PWL 's studios and said : ‘ My parents are fantastic , they are the stabilising influence in my life .
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