Example sentences of "she found [pn reflx] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 It was a brief respite ; when , presently , she took a break and switched on the radio , she found herself listening to the voice of Detective Inspector Clarke who was being interviewed by a reporter .
2 When at last Luke released her , she found herself clinging to the kitchen cabinet like a shipwrecked mariner to a rock .
3 With unashamed interest , he studied her anxious , freshly scrubbed face , and she found herself responding to the arrival at last of his faint , elusive smile , her limpid eyes softening with warmth because she knew instinctively that he smiled rarely and that she was privileged .
4 Again she found herself responding to the fever of his passionate desire , and as her own need rose to meet it a small cry of yearning left her — a cry that was accompanied by a totally different cry that echoed from downstairs .
5 But she found herself talking to the empty room , and the sky outside the window was the untroubled blue of a peaceful July morning .
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