Example sentences of "do not necessarily [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 THERE was an article in The Times the other day which said that good spelling did not necessarily make for good writing .
2 In The Family , Sex and Marriage he was careful to retain an open mind on affective individualism , emphasizing first that it was not necessarily the way of the future , family change not being linear , and second , that it did not necessarily result in greater happiness than other forms of family organization .
3 It is argued that this difference may be partially accounted for by the higher standard of living in Sri Lanka , but also that the motives and social composition of offenders in normal times were such that depressed economic conditions did not necessarily lead to substantial increases in criminal activities .
4 Even when one can see a similar history of decline or recovery , this did not necessarily occur in different towns at the same time ( 71 ) .
5 By giving the vote to some ten million electors this élite had discovered that the people 's will did not necessarily correspond with those of their masters and Louis-Napoleon had reaped the benefit as the people 's choice .
6 Though popularity did not necessarily translate into greater recognition in official circles , it did inhibit those in the two governments who would have liked to ditch him altogether .
7 But statistics do not necessarily make for good intelligence .
8 Hand-made panels do not necessarily make for better cars .
9 On several occasions when their views have been canvassed , the judges of the High Court and the Court of Appeal have shown themselves capable of contemplating changes that do not necessarily coincide with popular or professional opinion .
10 ‘ . These figures do not necessarily correlate with increased market power , however , there being evidence to indicate that aggregate concentration and concentration in individual industries have not increased since the mid-1970's .
11 Evans-Pritchard and others have also pointed out that the divisions between scientific and non-scientific thinking as such , if they can indeed be reliably established , do not necessarily correlate with different social groups .
12 Quinn sees large companies as similar to large rivers slowly moving in given directions , but containing within them various ebbs , flows and eddies which , while they do not necessarily contribute in any direct analytical way to the general direction , nevertheless in aggregate help to determine it .
13 More and more tents are coming onto the market which do not necessarily conform to these definitions but they will rely predominantly on one system for their stability .
14 Such abstract typologies help us to understand the behaviour of councillors as a group but they do not necessarily apply to individual councillors who may exhibit characteristics drawn from several of the main types .
15 It is clear from this that periods when enclosure was taking place do not necessarily correspond with those when articulate protests were being voiced against them .
16 The book gets off to a good start and the first chapter is one of the most stimulating — though I do not necessarily agree with all of it .
17 Poor listeners often make irrelevant comments ; the most influential contributions do not necessarily come from those vessels making the most noise .
18 It means the whole sale change of forms and colours and it must reduce the range of other colours that we have for other forms , do n't necessarily go into those wallets .
19 that erm , people do n't necessarily go on this , but er , it 's probably more or less typical of rural areas , where , where people just do n't feel that there 's any hope here .
20 I happen to get on with most of them and , even if there 's things we do n't necessarily love about each other , we just let it be . ’
21 Problems usually arise because many reef species are capable of more than a little antisocial behaviour — and it is difficult to lay down precise guidelines regarding their compatibility because marine fish , like people , are individuals and do n't necessarily conform to generalised behaviour patterns .
22 Like the inner London boroughs that were , and the Inner London Education Authority which adopted an extremely dictatorial attitude — well that 's all right , I do n't necessarily disagree with that — but a very a very expensive attitude with it .
23 Things do n't necessarily happen in straight lines , in neat , casual packages .
24 But this apparent methodological superiority does not necessarily spring from any intrinsic properties of the stratificational model .
25 Good science does not necessarily make for good philosophy .
26 The trouble is , this does not necessarily lead to greater understanding of why something represents good practice .
27 Keeping staff to a minimum and paying them very little obviously reduces costs , but it does not necessarily lead to good quality care .
28 If so , many more Sri Lankans will die before the government learns that more killing does not necessarily lead to less .
29 Increased motility does not necessarily result in increased propulsion , however .
30 As long as there is an abundant supply of water high temperatures tend to be associated with high rates of weathering , although this does not necessarily result in deep weathering profiles for , as we have already noted , where slope gradients are steep the products of weathering may be removed almost as soon as they are created .
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