Example sentences of "do [adv] apply to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was held that the clause did not apply to a delay where the port was not inaccessible but the master deemed the port unsafe due to ice ( Tillmanns & Co v SS Knutford Ltd [ 1908 ] 2 KB 385 ) .
2 After dismissing an argument that the doctrine as to release did not apply to a judgment debt , Collins L.J .
3 The Court of Appeal held that the clause did not apply to a fire caused by negligence , even though the garage could not be liable for fire damage without negligence .
4 368 did not apply to a tenancy from year to year and said [ 1971 ] Ch. 725 , 733 :
5 It had been thought at one time that the restriction did not apply to an attack on members of a party as a whole , or where the motive was simply the provision of information and not the demoting of a candidate , but Luft adopts an extensive interpretation of the scope of the provision .
6 ( 4 ) While this section applies to any premises , then for purposes other than those mentioned in subsection ( 3 ) above , or in parts of the premises other than the part so mentioned , the permitted hours shall be the same as if this section did not apply to the premises .
7 ( 4 ) While this section applies to any premises , then for purposes other than those mentioned in subsection ( 3 ) above , or in parts of the premises other than the part so mentioned , the permitted hours shall be the same as if this section did not apply to the premises .
8 Until recently , however , it was thought that these laws did not apply to the beginning of the universe .
9 That the Directors be given power , pursuant to Section 95 of the Companies Act 1985 , to allot equity securities ( as defined in Section 94 of that Act ) for cash , pursuant to the general authority conferred by special resolution passed on 20 November 1986 , as if Section 89(1) of the Act did not apply to the allotment , provided :
10 the misleading price indication related to a recommended price , which did not apply to the price at which the item was available from the defendant , and which the defendant could reasonably believe was generally being charged , and which was false only because a supplier was not following the recommendation .
11 Lastly , the residence requirement did not apply to the whole of the national territory but was limited geographically : it was only fulfilled — also in the case of Irish nationals — if the persons concerned lived within three miles of the land in question .
12 He followed and applied William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King and Slater v. Burnley Corporation , holding that the principle of duress colore officii did not apply to the case .
13 In relation to this ground it was held unanimously that the condictio did not apply to the case of an error in law in interpreting an Act of Parliament .
14 The proclamation of NEP did not apply to the Ukraine , where the punitive requisitioning methods of War Communism were officially extended until the autumn of 1921 .
15 The difficulty is that its traditional features — communal tenure , a three-field system , and growing land pressure — have often served as all-Russian criteria , but they did not apply to the West .
16 Held , dismissing the appeal ( Lord Keith of Kinkel and Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle dissenting ) , that although the common law had previously only admitted recovery of money exacted under an unlawful demand by a public authority where the payment had been made under a mistake of fact or under limited categories of compulsion , which did not apply to the payments by the building society , the nature of a demand for tax or similar impost on the citizen by the state , with the perceived economic and social consequences of non-payment stemming from the inequality of the parties ' respective positions , and the unjust enrichment falling on the state where the citizen paid an unlawful demand to avoid those consequences , warranted a reformulation of the law of restitution so as to recognise a prima facie right of recovery based solely on payment of money pursuant to an ultra vires demand by a public authority ; and that , accordingly , since the building society 's claim fell outside the statutory framework governing repayment of overpaid tax , it was entitled at common law to repayment of the sums from the dates of payments and to interest in respect thereof pursuant to section 35A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ( post , pp. 384H , 387D , F–G , 389B , 390F — 391C , E–F , 392E , 396C , 414B–C , F–G , 415E–F , 416A–B , 417B , 418A–C , E–F , 421D–F , G ) .
17 ( iii ) In respect of count 1 it was submitted that section 2(1) did not apply to the facts of this case ; in particular it was submitted that in order to contravene section 1(1) and therefore in turn section 2(1) it was necessary to establish that the offender had used one computer with intent to secure unauthorised access into another computer .
18 In respect of count 1 it was submitted that section 2(1) did not apply to the facts of this case and it was particularly submitted that in order to contravene section 1(1) , and therefore in turn section 2(1) , it was necessary to establish that the offender had used one computer with intent to secure unauthorised access into another computer .
19 Accordingly , article 119 did not apply to the Employment Secretary 's liability to make section 106 payments , and an employee who had become entitled to a state pension and was then dismissed for redundancy was not entitled to a payment from the Employment Secretary under section 106 .
20 The Court was of the opinion that section 133 did not apply to the activation of the suspended sentence , as it was clear that when a sentencer activated a suspended sentence he did not ‘ impose ’ the sentence for the purpose of section 133 .
21 The special conditions contained in s15(2) of SGA 1979 , replicated in other supply contracts ( s11 of SOGIT 1973 as substituted by the CCA 1974 and ss5(1) , 10(1) of SGSA 1982 ) , do not apply to every case in which a sample is exhibited , for example in a shop , but only to sales by sample .
22 The provisions for charging CTT on settled property do not apply to a settlement for charitable purposes only .
23 The Incorporated Practice Rules do not apply to a practice conducted entirely outside England and Wales .
24 Many of the above comments do not apply to a design of the form where S 1 and S 2 now relate to observations ( made simultaneously ) on two different samples of individuals , the first having received treatment X and the second forming the so-called control group .
25 In the case of a public company subject , at the time of its registration or re-registration , to a pre-1982 pre-emptive requirement , sections 89 to 95 do not apply to an allotment of the equity securities which are subject to such a requirement .
26 The rules as to disclosure , participation and voting do not apply to an interest in a contract or other matter which a member may have as a ratepayer or inhabitant of the area , or as an ordinary consumer of water , or to an interest in any matter relating to the terms on which the right to participate in any service , including the supply of goods , is offered to the public .
27 The close company provisions of Section 282 Income and Corporation Taxes Act do not apply to the Company .
28 Note that these rules do not apply to the guardian ad litem 's report which must be filed at least seven days before the final hearing unless the court directs otherwise ( FPCR , r11(7) ; FPR , 4.11(7) ) .
29 Where the proper law of the contract is the law of the UK only by choice of the parties , the Act 's restrictions on exclusion clauses do not apply to the contract .
30 They do not apply to the mens rea of the offence and can certainly shed no light upon whether or not belief in consent must be reasonable .
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