Example sentences of "do [adv] live [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They do not live as a unit , together , but as two separate people whose lives converge briefly from time to time .
2 An appreciation of the unspeakable dangers that could face us if we did n't live in a country full of cuddly things interested only in eating each other helps put our fear of midges into perspective .
3 ‘ I grant you they do n't live in a manner similar to anything we have ever encountered in the Empire .
4 A mother , after all , does not live in a vacuum , and all sorts of influences — the arrival of another child , new vocational interests , increasing maturity , and so forth — may well bring about subtle yet important changes in her relationship to the child .
5 ‘ He does n't live in a void , ’ said the poet 's wife on television , in a cut that shook her with its glibness .
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