Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] themselves [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Informix says Storm means less work for MIS departments because users do n't have to understand the database schema and can do more work themselves with the tools .
2 Those who acquiesce in this cynical co-incidence of interest would do well to apply themselves to the conclusions of the recent Ramblers ' Association study on Birds and Walkers : ‘ this work suggests that there is no reason to prohibit public access , but that careful management is required .
3 The performers whom the young Elvis heard and learned from — gospel singers , blues men like Arthur Crudup , Bill Broonzy , Junior Parker and Howlin' Wolf , country and western stars such as Bob Wills , Hank Williams and Roy Acuff — were commercial artists ; they , like Elvis himself , did not separate themselves from the whole wash of music that was available .
4 Moreover , the policing of the picket line was organised and controlled by local police officers according to a ‘ hearts and minds ’ philosophy : the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire sensibly recognised that almost every family in Sheffield had connections with the steelworkers and was keen to ensure that the police did not alienate themselves from the wider community .
5 Professor Davis noted that the industries which expanded before 1780 did not transform themselves in the dramatic way we have come to know as an industrial revolution .
6 None of the band are known for their excessive cordiality towards figures within the business , but unlike Charman , their misgivings did not manifest themselves in the form of ill temper .
7 In short , it is that it offers a way of by-passing ‘ the awkward corner ’ , Nearly twenty years ago Professor Joan Robinson observed that the predictable consequences of the attainment of near-full employment must , if institutions and attitudes did not accommodate themselves to the new circumstances , be so far to strengthen the power of the trade unions as to prompt a vicious spiral of wages and prices ; and that it would become chronic .
8 When Malaysia turned attention to export promotion , local manufacturers eligible for export incentives ‘ did not avail themselves of the facility either because of ignorance or owing to the cumbersome procedures ’ ( Ariff and Hill , 1985 ) .
9 The work of Piaget ( 1950 ) and Chomsky ( 1957 ) is essentially about thinking and language or psycholinguistics , but these authors did not concern themselves with the level of problem which arises when , for example , a physiologist and a psychologist attempt to exchange mutually supportive ideas .
10 Others are those who did not adventure themselves on the Crusade , but stayed to maintain the rights of their absent lords in their proper manors and castles , but as the years passed and their lords did not return they have been turned out from their posts of trust . ’
11 Death is always a failure in hospital , and the business and routine of life in the medical and surgical wards do not lend themselves to a personal death ( Sudnow 1967 ) .
12 But the hills remain , for these mountain ranges of southern Greece do not lend themselves to the blandishments of the travel brochure .
13 The windows are richly dressed , though they do not lend themselves to the Kensington approach ; as with Thins , the interior has been face-lifted and made warmly welcoming .
14 Of course none of this will happen if European electronics companies do not commit themselves to the manufacture and use of flat panel displays .
15 Trace the outlines on to greaseproof or tracing paper , and fix a piece of waxed paper on top of this , securing firmly at the edges — this double layer is so that pencil marks do not attach themselves to the icing and discolour it .
16 All the world knows that the Mohammedans , following the example of their master , Mohammed , are very licentious ; wherefore the men among them do not content themselves with a few wives , but seek every method of gratifying themselves in this particular .
17 Most advocates of biological theories do not express themselves in the same bizarre language and style as Lombroso , and such theories of crime are not merely historical relics that died with Lombroso .
18 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
19 You and your staff will maintain the well-established convention whereby ministers do not concern themselves with the detailed information which may be obtained by the Security Service in particular cases , but are furnished with such information only as may be necessary for the determination of any issue on which guidance is sought .
20 All this will be perfectly satisfactory to those who are willing to stop their analysis of conditioning at this level and who do not concern themselves with the detailed mechanisms that underlie the subject , s sensitivity to these various correlations .
21 However , they do not establish themselves as an emblem to the overall design .
22 Dorothy went on with her work for a minute and then asked : ‘ Isobel , what happens to these kids , supposing they do n't drop themselves over the railway bridge in sheer despair ? ’
23 Mr Hardcastle : ‘ But they do n't regard themselves as a sectarian group either ? ’
24 I think that wedding anniversaries make very suitable subjects for pressed flower pictures , and there ca n't be many that do n't lend themselves to a suitable picture .
25 They do n't limit themselves to a single aspect as you do , Luke . ’
26 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
27 And yet , when they followed the little girl 's instructions , they did indeed find themselves outside the church which was to be their landmark .
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