Example sentences of "they tried [to-vb] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As the number of these specialists increased , they tried to use the idea of evolution as a means of giving their disciplines a vague unity , thus creating the first science of ‘ biology ’ .
2 This life-principle was very important to the early alchemists : they saw it as so real that , not only did they consider all entities to be made up of differing proportions of dead matter and life force ( spirit ) , they tried to use the spirit as , in essence , just one more chemical .
3 ‘ But you were already with Zacco when they tried to kill the demoiselle at Kalopetra , ’ the youth said .
4 What I can also tell you is that Lucy 's engaged the erm British Cast Iron Research Association to carry out a survey , and they tried to repeat the circumstances of the explosion , and they could n't do so .
5 They tried to enlarge the territory of their state , which was perhaps essential if they were to survive .
6 One fire engine was damaged as crews used it as a barrier while they tried to extinguish the fire in the building 's upper floor and roof .
7 He started in political life as he meant to go on , sympathising with ‘ Action Francaise ’ and making his first political gesture at the age of 26 as one of the threatening , right-wing mob who were driven back by police gunfire when they tried to storm the Chamber of Deputies in February 1934 .
8 They tried to grab the cash from him and knocked him to the ground .
9 Police were last night waiting to examine the wreckage of the car , a Vauxhall Cavalier , as they tried to establish the cause of the accident .
10 But when they tried to disarm the other with spray foam , it went off and police and dogs were called out .
11 Instead of acting instantly in the ‘ greater interested of the game ’ and convincing Dubroca to do the honourable thing — which would have cut short the entire argument — they tried to sweep the story under the carpet .
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