Example sentences of "they [verb] themselves [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
2 It would be professionally improper for them to interest themselves in the social or leisure activities of their pupils ; and it would be unsuitable to their professionalism if they were involved in purely supervisory or ancillary duties , which are carried out , where necessary , by unqualified assistants .
3 A fortnight later they announced themselves as the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and a few days after that , on 2 September , as the climax to weeks of stupendous political demonstrations , Vietnam declared its independence .
4 When Mrs Gray had produced two very passable cups of coffee , they seated themselves at the long deal kitchen table .
5 How can they compare themselves to a former professional player who has played in front of ten or twenty thousand people ? ’
6 They place themselves on the same plane as trees or stones .
7 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
8 GH-K are no strangers to such nail-biting circumstances since they only retained their position this season when they found themselves with a better points differential to Stewart's-Melville , who have subsequently won promotion .
9 Once at the top of the rise , they found themselves on a flat plateau , of which most of the park area consisted
10 In Algeria , they found themselves in a similar situation , fighting a war against the regular Algerian Army and the guerrillas of the Front Libération Nationale .
11 They found themselves in a long corridor with one glass wall that looked out into a bright , modern , open-plan and spacious area .
12 They found themselves in a long dark gallery above a massive room .
13 They found themselves in a cavernous room lined with scarred wooden workbenches and rows of metal hooks hanging from the ceiling .
14 As they drove towards their refuge , they found themselves in a large station yard , now overgrown with weeds and bramble bushes and obviously derelict .
15 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
16 In 1990 , they found themselves in the bizarre situation of being unseeded at Wimbledon , where they had won the title five times .
17 However , by some strange quirk of FA paperwork they found themselves in the Multivite Vegeburger/Singletons Valve Replacement League , formerly the Mid-Counties South-West ( Northern Division ) whose Premier Division Athletico had briefly graced in 1938 .
18 Emerging at the station in the City ( with fifteen minutes in hand , Helen noted to her relief ) they found themselves in an alien landscape .
19 Again short of water , they found themselves after a brief sandstorm in the middle of a group of Italian vehicles .
20 Marie had no time to think about Bella 's story : the little queue surged forward and they found themselves inside the double doors in a short corridor leading through to the main ward .
21 They described themselves as the forgotten people of Chile .
22 Second , they put themselves on the defensive by shying away from subjects like food scares and by protecting the rogues within their industry .
23 In the process of reading the images they construct themselves as a particular kind of audience .
24 They affiliated themselves to the mendicant orders such as the Franciscans and Dominicans for their religious authentication , and engaged themselves , like their mendicant counterparts , in active participation of their faith , managing numerous charitable enterprises and conducting their own daily evening devotional services .
25 Get yourself ready , and we 'll see how they enjoy themselves in the Big House . ’
26 They protected themselves for a long time .
27 When they dissociate themselves from the academic world of their time , they are making the time-honoured mystical point that what Wordsworth would call ‘ the meddling intellect ’ had nothing to do with the vision of God .
28 The New Party made some members when they started , but when they turned themselves into the Fascist Party er they they rid of themselves of many of these er New Party peop , was in the New Party you know .
29 By way of illustration , let us take an example from the development of Newton 's theory that we have considered several times before , and consider the situation that confronted Leverrier and Adams when they addressed themselves to the troublesome orbit of the planet Uranus .
30 As they served themselves from the many little dishes , Maura surveyed her companion .
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