Example sentences of "she [verb] [pron] [prep] the table " in BNC.

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1 She joined them near the table .
2 As she placed them on the table , Roy spoke up .
3 One final thrust at the embroidery and she tossed it on the table with a muttered oath any of the King 's soldiers would have admired .
4 When Camille entered the open-plan area that was Barbs 's kitchen and dining-room , she realized she was still holding Barbs 's handbag , and she put it on the table with a swift , rejecting movement as though it was hot or unclean .
5 There was a plastic model of Redd Harvest 's G-Mek V12 ‘ Nola Gay in the packet of krill , but the wheels fell off when she ran it across the table .
6 and I was probably alright , until she kicked me under the table Paul !
7 Rune filled her glass , watching her as she half emptied it in one long swallow , waiting until she replaced it on the table before enquiring mildly , ‘ Then what happened ? ’
8 She set it on the table , avoiding his stare , and made as if to leave , but stopped before she reached the door and looked in his eyes .
9 She sat it on the table beside Gloria 's drink .
10 She pushed it across the table towards Mahoney .
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