Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] [noun pl] behind the " in BNC.

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1 Realizing there was nowhere to run in time , the Marines concentrated their fire on the crouching figures behind the guns , but they were too well protected .
2 The fact that sex comes 12 places lower in the list than ‘ my partner ’ throws an interesting light on the real reasons behind the traditional male preoccupation with sex .
3 Through the wide-open window floated the lightest of breezes , tangy with the scent of wild herbs growing up on the rugged hills behind the town .
4 The main varieties were " Bay Salt " from the Bay of Bourgneuf in the north in the marches between Poitou and Brittany , the salt of Brouage , panned on the sheltered shores behind the isles of Oléron and Ré , and , in the far south , the salt of Bayonne .
5 Other governments have viewed the spontaneous housing settlements as wretched areas , which not only house society 's drop-outs , but are also breeding grounds for crime and radical political activity The Brazilian government has tried to eradicate the squatter settlements for these reasons , which is especially the case in Rio de Janeiro , because of the added factor that it is an international tourist centre and the favelas are so visible on the steep hillsides behind the luxury hotels and beaches .
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