Example sentences of "on [noun prp] [adj] [adv] approve [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Council of Ministers on Jan. 24 also approved a 300,000 million ptas investment plan for Asturias providing for the creation of 1,800 new jobs over the next six years with special regard to the mining sector .
2 Both houses of parliament on Aug. 20 unanimously approved a constitutional amendment granting official language status to Konkani , Manipuri and Nepali .
3 Saddam Hussein on Sept. 3 formally approved a law legalizing opposition parties and ostensibly ending 23 years of one-party rule ( since the 1968 coup ) .
4 The Majlis had on May 23 unanimously approved a change in its formal title from the National Consultative Assembly to the Islamic Consultative Assembly .
5 The National Assembly on July 18 overwhelmingly approved a bill amending the Constitution and granting the government special powers to combat terrorist crimes .
6 In the meantime the People 's Assembly on Oct. 8 overwhelmingly approved the implementation of the new constitution as a temporary measure from Oct. 11 onwards .
7 The General Assembly on Dec. 3 unanimously approved the appointment as Secretary-General of Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister , Boutros Boutros Ghali .
8 Despite Dole 's change of stance , the House of Representatives on April 24 overwhelmingly approved a non-binding resolution which mirrored the earlier Senate resolution .
9 The IMF on June 23 furthermore approved an extended arrangement authorizing purchases up to the equivalent of SDR3,703 million ( about $4,600 million ) over the next three years .
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