Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] at the back " in BNC.

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1 The names of those who died are recorded for posterity on a framed scroll on the wall at the back at the church .
2 The black briefcase was still on the floor at the back of the hanging space , under the suits .
3 Robert thought about Hasan : about the strange , powerful stillness he carried with him , about his high , precise voice and his exquisite fingers , laced together on the desk at the back of Mass 1 .
4 Peter , who was sitting on the nearside at the back of the car , could see a muscle jumping in Hubert Molland 's cheek .
5 The image falls on the retina at the back , where it excites photocells .
6 The pin was on the right at the back of a bunker and I decided on the 7-iron .
7 On the right at the back of the room was a matchboard door only six feet in height , leading to the scullery which was very confined , being about nine feet by six feet .
8 At one thousand one hundred pounds on the right at the back , any more at one thousand one hundred pounds .
9 Lot one hundred and twenty mother of pearl case now three hundred for this one , three hundred pounds , any more ? three hundred and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred and twenty four hundred and twenty , four fifty four eighty five hundred fifty six hundred six fifty seven hundred seven hundred pounds near the back , any more at seven hundred , and fifty new bidder against you now seven hundred and fifty over there on the right at the back and I 'll sell at seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred on the left at the back , now any more at eight hundred pounds ?
10 The picture of the ruler on the screen at the back of your eye is bigger , but so is the screen — in the same ratio .
11 A crowd of eager ‘ punters ’ , and the illegal betting-shop on the waste-ground at the back of Budhill Avenue were also carted off lock , stock and blackboard .
12 At eighty five bid standing standing at eighty five against you all seated now , at ninety pounds , standing at the back and I 'll sell at ninety pounds , are you all done , ninety pounds ninety five just in time one hundred one ten one twenty one thirty one thirty still on the left at the back at one thirty , any more now at a hundred and thirty pounds ?
13 Lot fifty eight collection of record pads and bits and pieces for which I have a hundred pounds offered , and ten , one twenty , one thirty , any more at one thirty , forty , one fifty , one sixty , one seventy one eighty , one ninety , two hundred , two twenty two forty two forty on the left at the back , any more at two forty , two sixty , two eighty two eighty three hundred three twenty three twenty on the left near the back now , at three twenty , are you , it 's your bid , sir , at three twenty pounds , any more at three twenty and I 'll sell at three hundred and twenty pounds .
14 Three eighty , four hundred four twenty , four fifty four eighty , five hundred and fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty it 's on the left at seven fifty now , eight hundred behind you against you now eight fifty nine hundred standing nine fifty one thousand one thousand pounds standing on the left at the back , one hundred two hundred three hundred , one one thousand three hundred pounds , that 's against any more at one thousand three hundred , four hundred , five hundred one thousand five hundred standing , any more ?
15 Lot one hundred and twenty mother of pearl case now three hundred for this one , three hundred pounds , any more ? three hundred and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred and twenty four hundred and twenty , four fifty four eighty five hundred fifty six hundred six fifty seven hundred seven hundred pounds near the back , any more at seven hundred , and fifty new bidder against you now seven hundred and fifty over there on the right at the back and I 'll sell at seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred on the left at the back , now any more at eight hundred pounds ?
16 Midway through our set there is a fight on the grass at the back .
17 I 'd put the bike on the rack at the back and secured it with a bungy strap .
18 It should be on the table at the back .
19 And artist Terry Gravett is due to start work in September on a mural at the back of the main stadium of the Oval Football ground , which will be visible from the Sydenham Bypass .
20 The Zborowskis with Jeanne and her mother took rooms in Le Pavilion des Trois Soeurs , a villa set on a hill at the back of the village , two miles from the sea .
21 He put it on a shelf at the back of the hangar with the rest of the heads .
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