Example sentences of "not [verb] itself [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Analysis that is performed only occasionally or perhaps in one batch does not lend itself to the statistical interpretation underlying conventional QC systems .
2 A difficulty is that Mercier 's brushwork , and an essential freedom in his style , does not lend itself to the same kind of minute scrutiny that could be applied to a painter like Zoffany .
3 It does not lend itself to the earlier analysis of symbolism which identified distinct abstract signifiers and concrete signifieds , since it simultaneously operates at both levels .
4 In the 1930s , Mr Justice Stone declared that the United States Supreme Court ought not to see itself as the sole guardian of the constitution .
5 Tarvaras was a quarantine world , cut off from contact with the rest of the universe by orbiting weapons platforms which were programmed to destroy any craft which did not identify itself with the appropriate recognition codes , and it had seemed unlikely that the civilian survey crew would be tempted to break the stringent regulations which applied to the situation .
6 ‘ Moreover , this class or fraction in charge of the state may or may not identify itself with the ruling class or fraction in the political scene ’ ( Poulantzas 1973 , p. 335 ) .
7 A people may or may not identify itself with the dominant culture .
8 Masculine development did not detach itself from the nourishing mother .
9 No wonder the C of E had not endeared itself to the working classes , Spruce reflected .
10 But until you consider the amount of money tied up in County Farms , and the return it gives us , and the , the subsidy if you like of so few people , and you think that school ca n't have toilets and things like that , then these should all go into the decision making melting pot , and this council should not blind itself to the various options that there could be , and in those circumstances Mr I think should be allowed to explore the possibilities of the market .
11 Malnutrition need not manifest itself in the short term as severe disease .
12 I am sure that your council will understand that the company can not commit itself to the long term investment programme , or expose itself to the commercial risks involved in the project , unless the facilities can be planned in a climate of security .
13 Its fragrance is real , and penetrating : but it does not release itself at the first casual opening of the pages .
14 But since , against the odds , Alice keeps her cellar as ‘ the perfection of cleanliness ’ , the image is pleasing and does not impose itself in the same way on the reader 's imagination .
15 This emphasis will not commend itself to the English reader whom Herbert Schniedau envisages .
16 ‘ The pattern of study leave block release — does n't lend itself to the smaller offices or indeed to business organisations .
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