Example sentences of "he 'd [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And I heard Monks say that he 'd seen Oliver in the street , and that he knew at once Oliver was the child he was looking for , although I could n't hear why .
2 When he 'd said he 'd seen Stephen at the funeral she 'd felt afraid of him for a moment .
3 Ken said — he came for Sunday lunch now , often with his stepdaughter but without his wife , who felt awkward in Ellen 's presence — that it reminded him of a kitten he 'd given Wendy on the day she gave birth to Apricot .
4 He 'd heard men in the bar talking about her .
5 Stephen Windsor was speaking after he 'd asked judges at the High Court in Edinburgh to use special powers to allow new evidence to be heard .
6 When we broke for coffee I asked him whether he 'd consulted Laura about the references I 'd turned up .
7 But he 'd lost sight of the figure .
8 Chris had already been given a severe ticking-off when he 'd admitted to the box-office that he 'd lost count of the number of tickets and cheques he 'd stuffed into all his suit pockets .
9 I bet that Terry Waite was praying his head off and he 'd memorised masses of the bible which he would be reciting to himself probably said he thought two o'clock every afternoon I 'll remember what I can of Book of Isaiah you know .
10 Mm , mm its one of the great arguments from the old fashioned sort of religion , that you could turn , you could definitely turn to people and say why are you leaning on me so hard , for all this to fought , you ought to be reading your bible , saying your prayers , going to church and getting in touch with the boss why I laughed when they were saying that Terry Waite would need counselling , I bet that Terry Waite was praying his head off and he 'd memorised masses of the bible which he would be reciting to himself probably set himself two o'clock every afternoon , I remember what I can , book of you know I do n't suppose he 'd needed any counselling , he 'd probably do better counselling other people .
11 Often , he 'd involved others in the deceit .
12 He said he 'd met Oliver in the florist 's round the corner on his way to the station .
13 Miraculously , within a couple of minutes , he 'd found himself speaking to a woman he 'd kissed goodbye in the early May of 1944 — over forty-six years ago !
14 But he was so close , his other hand pulling her hard against his naked chest , his face so near to her own that it was difficult for her to breathe — so difficult that she had to open her mouth to draw in air only to find that he 'd taken advantage of the opportunity to deepen his kiss into one of familiarity .
15 It was his habit to go for a run round his island every day before breakfast , and that morning , because rain was forecast for the rest of the day , he 'd taken advantage of the brief spell of fine weather early on to gather up driftwood from the beach after his run .
16 About four weeks after Martinho 's capture — or his escape from Osvaldo , whichever way you like to look at it — he 'd taken Goreng to the spot .
17 I knew he 'd used firearms in the past and because he was on the run from prison he obviously did n't want to be rearrested .
18 She could n't have been more surprised if he 'd suggested hang-gliding from the top of the nearest skyscraper .
19 Suddenly he thumped the arm of his chair with his fist , remembering all the times he 'd caught Stella on the stairs in the middle of the night , staring at the telephone .
20 Maybe he 'd spent time in the States .
21 He 'd been fighting the prophet , but every time he 'd laid hands on the man , he 'd changed shape , become a cloud , a venomous snake , a wildcat , a mad woman .
22 In other towns he 'd left way before the question mark , his Coke still fizzing at the top of the glass .
23 Once , last fall , he 'd walked Lumberjack to the pine forest in the next valley .
24 A police officer told the coroner he 'd found youths on the site at least six times since the fence had been erected earlier this year .
25 He 'd committed adultery with the wife of the local steward — the land agent for the lord of the manor .
26 He kept on , and it was worse because he 'd got hold of the helmet now and was smashing it against the toilet .
27 Of course he ca n't do the job that he was doing and he 'd got potential of the future with , you understand what I mean ?
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