Example sentences of "he open [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His hands covered his face until he brought them into fists in front of him , in the way he often did , then he opened his arms along the length of me ; his palms warm , close , without touching , cruised first my shoulder , then the weight of my breast under my hair , my hip , my stomach .
2 Watching her , staring into her eyes , he opened his furs to the breast and cut four lines with the wood , marking himself .
3 Even his great friend and business partner in the Second Dominion , Hebbert Nuits-St-Georges , called Peccable by those who knew him well , a merchant who had made substantial profit from the superstitious and the woebegone in the Second Dominion , regularly remarked that the order of Yzordderrex was less stable by the day , and he would soon take his family out of the city , indeed out of the Dominion entirely , and find a new home where he would not have to smell burning bodies when he opened his windows in the morning .
4 He opened his eyes to the quiet darkness , the moonlight , the breeze from the window that his helper had opened .
5 He opened our eyes to a lot of opportunities . ’
6 As go-between , the Spirit not only teaches us the truth of God , he opens our eyes to the one in whom that truth became incarnate , and guides us in our lives .
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