Example sentences of "he live [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bondholder Erica Bachman told the court : ‘ Let him live in the same misery he brought upon his victims . ’
2 Then he says ‘ But he who tells of wars and heaven , under the sway of grown up Jupiter , of pious heroes and semi-divine leaders , who at one moment things of the holy assemblies of the gods on high and then of those deep kingdoms where a fierce dog barks , let him live in the frugal manner of Pythagoras and let herbs provide his harmless diet ’ .
3 They went to the pub with Air Marshal 's ranking chalked on their uniforms , windows were smashed to prove that broken glass need not draw blood , there were tremendous fights , he lived at the local hall , there was game , there were bounties we never saw in London — he sailed very very close to the law during that period . ’
4 Then he lived about half way and , and er , one or two more he lived at the top house on the right and somebody over the other side .
5 And if he lived on the other side of the world she would think nothing of flying to meet him , she said .
6 Tonight she had said nothing , so Frankie almost believed himself safe , yet he lived with the constant fear that one night she would make a horrible mistake and he would walk to his death in the inky shadows upstairs .
7 Many of the pieces were purchased by Dubosc in Japan where he lived for the latter part of his life and much of his collection is now in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco .
8 Thereafter Louis the German was the senior member of the family : some seventeen years older than his half-brother Charles , he lived to the ripe age of seventy .
9 Anyway he lived in the old hut after the railway was taken up , we did n't see much of him in the winter but when the spring came round he would appear again .
10 Well old Jack er , he di used to do the post round and he lived in the next cottage
11 Well , if he lived in the north- east , er part of this county , that great ar area where there is very little in terms of infrastructure perhaps er er it 's a pity we ca n't have a few more hysterics and we would perhaps get further down the road .
12 He lived in the top attic right , up against the east end gable of the building .
13 If challenged to justify why blacks are struck from the jury , prosecutors offer the most ridiculous reasons — ‘ he looked dumb ’ , ‘ he lived in the same part of town as the defendant ’ ( most blacks live in the same part of town ) , ‘ he was a mason and I was worried about masonic links ’ ( the prospective juror was a stone mason by profession ) .
14 He lived in the same house near Henley on Thames from 1935 , and remained inspired by English country scenes , like St Matthews near Lechlade and classic buildings like the Oxford buildings ensuring that his links with this region remain strong .
15 He lived in the same house near Henley on Thames from 1935 , and remained inspired by English country scenes , like St Matthews near Lechlade and classic buildings like the Oxford buildings ensuring that his links with this region remain strong .
16 Huss is remembered by a street named after him ( the Hussenstrasse ) and by his effigy on the house where he lived in the same street .
17 He lived in the last tomb , a bare chamber with a mat , a kettle , a kerosene stove and a radio which did n't work .
18 If nothing worked out , he lived in the empty school .
19 He lives on the sixteenth floor of the RCA building .
20 Though he lives on the French-Italian border , most of his frauds are perpetrated from Amsterdam .
21 He will instead compete at Stoke where he lives in the British Student Championships on June 27 and 28 .
22 He lives in the same town and it still hurts her to see him .
23 Early in the thirteenth century the aspirations of the knightly class were summed up in the Life of William the Marshal , a great man who , had he lived in the twentieth century , might have made his choice between being a high civil servant and a champion professional boxer .
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