Example sentences of "he [vb past] [verb] [prep] the beginning " in BNC.

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1 If he 'd explained at the beginning — and it did n't cancel out the fact that he 'd lied to her , did it ?
2 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
3 Dismissed in the last months of his life as a spent force who would not match the powerful energy invested in the compositions which he had created at the beginning of his nine-year career , Basquiat briefly recaptured , by the unhappy circumstances of his death , an image of glamour and a wave of speculation which pushed the prices of virtually unsaleable pictures to $500,000 .
4 Earlier he had heard that a young clerk from the Post Office had shot himself while lying in bed … he had left a young widow , to whom he had been married in Calcutta during the previous cold season ; this act of despair had moved him more than any other of the many deaths he had witnessed since the beginning of the siege ; it was perhaps the fact that the young man had been lying in bed when he had shot himself that the Collector found so sad .
5 At the end of each day , as he had done since the beginning of the autumn , Robert took him home , where Mr and Mrs Wilson petted him , fed him , and put him to sleep in the spare bedroom as if he were their own son .
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