Example sentences of "he [be] return to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In his fifties he was to return to the Liskeard area , the ‘ land of his fathers ’ , and make notes for a book on Cornwall ; alas , never to be completed .
2 Nothing is known of his education , but he was returned to the Parliament of 1539 for an unknown constituency , possibly at a by-election during the shrievalty of his father , himself a knight of the shire for Surrey .
3 Peking said it would not persecute Mr Yang if he was returned to the mainland , a clear sign it would strongly disapprove of Hong Kong not returning him .
4 He was returned to the Bocardo Jail , from whose roof he watched the painful death by burning of Latimer and Ridley .
5 On 12 September 1991 there was a hearing of the care proceedings , a supervision order was made in respect of D. and he was returned to the mother .
6 She had known who he was by then , had known that he was returning to the King with assurances of her father 's support .
7 Ludens received one shock as he was returning to the cottage .
8 SUVA ( AP ) — Major General Sitiveni Rabuka , leader of Fiji 's two military coups , said he was returning to the army rather than accept the post of civilian deputy prime minister .
9 The next day Muldoon told him that he was returning to the States at the end of the month to take his enforced early retirement , after a short holiday on the Hamble .
10 He was returning to the car , holding out his booty .
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