Example sentences of "he [verb] around [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't like the idea of him prowling around inside the house while she was working .
2 It might be a potential signing for the groundsman — if he can spit half as well as his dad then we just get him to run around on the pitch for 20 mins … no need for sprinklers etc .
3 He looks around for a moment , pleased as punch , then realizes that his fellow group members have all heard it a dozen times before .
4 He moved around to the back of the house , and then ducked in to the laneway that ran behind it .
5 Smiling awkwardly , he cast around for a topic of conversation that was n't personal and had difficulty in finding one .
6 Blanche 's question woke Dexter from his reverie and he cast around for a photograph of Nicola in the room .
7 He cast around for a chair , shoved some papers aside with a foot and perched on the edge of an armchair .
8 Tonight it 's the story of his uncle and as he stands around in the hall , he talks about his Uncle Rocco who was stationed in Ipswich .
9 He wandered around for a while and ran into a few of the household busy with their duties .
10 He wandered around for a couple of hours having chats with any of the old fellows who were around the place . ’
11 He wandered around in a state of utter dejection , belonging nowhere .
12 That depressing truth is , alas , one that Mikhail Gorbachev still refuses to accept , as he stumbles around in a trap set by Lenin two-thirds of a century ago .
13 He flailed around on the snow .
14 He gestured around at the conglomeration of abandoned implements , hardly any of which he could put a name on .
15 The hot shine must have cut to black as he was soft-footing it up the stairs , because when he turned around on the half-landing and crouched behind the angle of the banister the only light in the hall was the inward spill from the porch , and that was getting less as the door slowly closed on its hydraulic arm .
16 Adjusting the holes so that he could see properly , he turned around in the road and drove back towards her .
17 He trots around like a two-year-old . ’
18 He bumbled around for a bit , trying to coil up the string and push the wood into tidy heaps .
19 He walked around with a portfolio under one arm and a folding campstool under the other , his head held to one side in a manner considered odd .
20 For the rest of his duty period he walked around in a daze .
21 He felt around for the bedside table and the box of matches .
22 He looked around for a cab .
23 He looked around for an implement to use and although his eyes were by now accustomed to the gloom he could see nothing suitable .
24 He looked around at the rest of the journalists .
25 He looked around on the ground , and finally saw me .
26 I am safe here , he thought : and the thought was so rare , so violent in its unexpectedness , that he looked around like a villain in a melodrama to see if anyone had overheard this God-tempting thought .
27 Then he fumbled around on the ground for his glasses .
28 He searched around for a way of explaining it .
29 His eyes are wide as he gazes around in a kind of apprehension .
30 He ran around with a gang of schoolfriends and was a member of the local swimming club .
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