Example sentences of "for [art] [adj] [adj] months [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Patients were interviewed monthly for the first five months and every three months thereafter .
2 Yeah , I did n't smoke for the first six months and then I finished work and I was at home
3 The 1992 , Europe and Trade campaign , beginning in September 1992 , will have an emphasis on Latin America for the first four months and then for the remainder of the year will focus on Europe and Trade in the global context .
4 This was in excess of 10% for the first few months and was over 20% in some parts of Wales .
5 Sonorous For the first three months that Presentations 2.0 is on sale , it will come bundled with a SoundBlaster Pro sound card .
6 Three or more miners were to he supplied and paid " from time to time " for the first three months but after this duration six able bodied miners were to he provided .
7 The charge will be 0 for the first 6 months that a property is empty .
8 But that 's cold comfort to the players who for the past two months or so have been attempting to qualify for the PGA European Tour .
9 Many have been homeless , not just for the past six months but for several years and they have been pushed from pillar to post within that area .
10 Australian mining companies have been pressing hard for the upgrade for the past 18 months but , ironically , demand for Landsat data in the last few months has dropped by 60 per cent .
11 Janet has worked at Barlaston for the past 18 months and the award she gained has marked the completion of a year-long programme designed to help the Guild 's managers to develop further their marketing and merchandising skills .
12 It 's been running a similar pilot scheme at the Radcliffe Infirmary for the past eighteen months and says consultants are enthusiastic about the results .
13 He could not explain it , but his putting had gone to pieces for the past few months and he was missing shots which formerly he would have holed with ease .
14 Christie 's declared a 6% increase in sales totalling $602 million ( £336 million ) for the last six months although sales totals for the whole 1991–92 season were down by 8% .
15 She had been amassing clothing coupons for the last six months and was determined that Constance would have a magnificent dress from one of the London stores .
16 Derek says … they 've broken a few boats in testing … they 've been building prototypes for the last six months and have been putting in hours at sea to make sure everything is right
17 erm most of them have n't heard much from their families , no news at all , for the last six months and it 's been very difficult for us .
18 The people who 've been going through the induction courses though for the last six months or so , they 're probably up , more able to speak to it , and you 're going to be better off actually than the , the old boys if you like and girls , because it 's going to be old dogs , new tricks , but as you wo n't know any different and you do this , then you 'll have an advantage over them .
19 At Benjamin Rhodes , there are new paintings by Simon Edmondson ( 17 June-7 August ) , who has been living in Madrid for the last twelve months and previously showed with Nicola Jacobs .
20 bank statements for the last twelve months if you are applying to a bank other than your own ;
21 I 've been buying your magazine religiously for the last 18 months and would like to thank you for a great read .
22 It looks as if he tore out the entries for the last two months and burned those pages separately , then chucked the book open on the flames .
23 The full code has been available on InterNet for the last two months and was to go on CompuServe last week , according to Dr Dobbs ' editor Jonathan Erickson .
24 However , for the last 6 months or so he had ceased to make regular efforts to find a job .
25 The Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening ( Dorling Kindersley , 1992 , £29.95 , 0 86318 979 2 ) , a companion volume to the quarter-million-selling Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers , tries to be comprehensive for gardening techniques ; I have used it for all my practical enquiries for the last three months and it has let me down only once .
26 Moulvi ali Zoha , a Rohingya Muslim who arrived in Bangladesh on Monday , told United News , a Bangladeshi news agency , that the soldiers were angered by the Muslims ' breaking open the doors of the mosque , which had been kept locked for the last few months since the Burmese authorities clamped down on the Rohingyas .
27 Philip , who is to take his A Levels this summer , has been studying at Repton for the last few months and will join the Academy in August , two months after Zara arrives at the Academy 's Hemel Hempstead base .
28 I have n't been happy for the last few months and when an old girlfriend asked me out I went along and enjoyed myself .
29 If as Secretary of State you get it wrong , then you — and crucially the people you are serving — live with the consequences for the next twelve months and beyond .
30 I therefore decided to strengthen and redeploy the AIB team in preparation for what would obviously become a major task for the next eighteen months or so .
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