Example sentences of "for [art] [adj] [adj] weeks [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This legislation requires that people for the first thirteen weeks that they are unemployed have the right to look for a job which they have experience in and enjoy doing , but after 13 weeks they are required to take any job that comes along .
2 If your employee qualifies for the higher rate , it should be paid for the first six weeks that higher rate SMP is due .
3 Read through the diet section for the first four weeks and read through the recipes if you are likely to be using them .
4 He 'd been making some records but they were n't successful and for the first few weeks after I 'd met him and decided to work with him , I was listening to songs that he 'd written , and was in the process of writing , and came to the conclusion that he was not essentially a singles artist .
5 She 'd lived without carpets for the first few weeks and it had been nearly a year before she 'd been able to ditch her old and undersized curtains .
6 A sympathetic doctor may help and so will friends and family ready to give support and put up with unreasonable behaviour for the first few weeks or more .
7 For the first three weeks or so , I wo n't be on The Word much , ’ Mark explains , casually kicking his feet up on to his agent 's gleaming mahogany desk .
8 Well it 's been there for the past two weeks but now he 's gone to l get a house .
9 It was how it had been for the past two weeks and the young woman tried to ignore her protesting muscles and her aching back as she stared into the hearth and watched the tiny flames flickering in and out of the carefully banked-up grate .
10 Luck had been on Cassie 's side up until now , for Stephanie had been working in Germany for the past few weeks and this circumstance had removed the necessity of proffering an invitation ; with , of course , the desirable Martin in attendance .
11 EUROPE has been treated to high comedy for the past few weeks as governments , corporations and journalists have fallen all over each other in a made game of find-the barrels .
12 Barnet players have not been paid by the club for the past three weeks and , although the Professional Footballers ’ Association have moved in to pick up the £30,000 tab , £80,000 in promotion bonuses remains unpaid .
13 He has been off sick for the last six weeks and may never return to the job .
14 ‘ Pat Nevin , our other scorer , has not been able to train properly for the last five weeks because of an ankle problem . ’
15 Morgan has been looking for a white knight for the last two weeks since insurance broker Willis Faber announced it was selling its 20 per cent stake in the merchant bank to Banque Indosuez , part of Compagnie Financiere de Suez .
16 Investors have been expecting its publication for the last two weeks but are fearful it will be kept back for the week when Parliament goes into the Christmas recess .
17 Zvi could n't remember how long it was since he had last found it necessary to advertise , but with Wine telling the Cork Examiner 's readers for the last three weeks that ‘ owing to the great increase of my practice ’ he was moving to larger premises Zvi felt he had no alternative .
18 Fred , of Fence Houses , County Durham , said : ‘ We queued for the last three weeks and left empty handed .
19 If they fail to meet the playing average , they are told to ‘ go away and practise ’ for the next four weeks and are unable to enter any tournaments .
20 The Garden of Remembrance , at which renovation work has recently been completed , will be open to the public for the next two weeks so they can place their own tributes .
21 I will be on location for the next two weeks but will be in touch with you shortly afterwards to arrange a meeting — preferably in London — during July .
22 Following blast at its offices at Charlemont Place in Armagh , spokesman Paul Jackson said students should not telephone the board or call for the next two weeks until the backlog of work has been cleared .
23 ‘ Laugh and have fun for the next two weeks because it 's what Les would have wanted , ’ she told the assembled guests at the launch at St George 's Hall .
24 For the next three weeks or so they wean their babies on the frozen sea of the Gulf of St Lawrence .
25 so I 'm stuck for the next three weeks and half a week because I , you know I get the , August bank holiday I get two days , saying that they 're probably going up to Grans for a week in the holidays er sometime to stay with her particularly with her being on her own as well this year
26 The males then returned inland , but the females had to wait in the burrows for a further two weeks while their fertilised eggs matured .
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