Example sentences of "you put [pron] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 you put me under the desk so I 've got ta get in there .
2 Yeah , cos like if you 've got three Ss or something then you put one at the bottom of the pack and keep the card if you 've got an
3 But Antony was doing it and you put her on the tumbledryer behind him , and it was so funny cos he 's like this with his head going round Antony looking , every
4 Do a little homework before you put yourself at the mercy of a mortgage lender .
5 ‘ If you put yourself in the position to be fashionable , then six months later everyone 's going to take the piss out of you .
6 you , if you put yourself in the position of a burglar , and y you 're already , you 've done it , you 're already making choices .
7 I mean that , that have to hold top and bottom , you put something in the soil and it gets all its nourishment in the soil and that
8 Now before before you put them into the bag I will check them , right ?
9 Oh you put them in the pram .
10 you put them in the pram but she 's looked after her neighbour 's two children has n't she ?
11 Well if you put them in the freezer
12 and you put them in the oven do you ?
13 If you come out and then you put the light off yo yo they 've got to su the way you put them in the cage .
14 Erm , your Mum wants her pears so if you put them in the fridge they 'll be alright she said they were she picked out nice hard ones .
15 some notes , and you 'd sim they 'd be numbered and you 'd lift them out and you put them in the carousel
16 I think they 'll grow if you put them in the garden eventually .
17 You hav to hav a bit of patience but once the train moves out the little victims are YOURS You put them in the lugage rack with molesworth 2 .
18 You put them in the sort of the corner , Mr 's got one , you extend your telly .
19 If you put them in the dustbin they will eventually find their way to a land fill site where some unfortunate animal might get caught up in a piece of it .
20 Then you put it on the window sill for people to admire so heaven knows how many went that way . ’
21 ‘ No , you put it on the meat . ’
22 Your report is precise and accurate and you put it on the boss 's desk .
23 It 'd walk away by itself if you put it on the floor . ’
24 Yeah , if you put it on the table he wo n't , and if you do n't
25 But when you put it into the video player and switch on , the encoded information is translated into a display on your TV screen as a film .
26 If you put it into the startup group , it will greet you with a new quote which you can in turn use to amaze your workmates during coffee breaks .
27 If you put it underneath the desk , a few of them .
28 We buy a nice little time manager thing , with little pink elephants in it , and goodness knows what , and we spend eight hundred pounds to get something to tell us how to time manage , and you really get enthusiastic about this for three months , and then you put it in the drawer and go back to your diary .
29 We were sitting watchin' the news , the world 's in a mess The poor and the hungry , a world of distress Herpes , Aids , the Middle East at full throttle Better check that sausage before you put it in the waffle .
30 If you order one copy of a programme , you get a copy of the programme , you put it in the machine , if it works , it works , if it does n't .
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