Example sentences of "you [vb base] [verb] at the moment " in BNC.

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1 So that 's one of the few options you 've got at the moment .
2 Bear in mind you 've got all the information there you know what what you are what yourselves and remember that just because these are the scores you got today that does n't mean that is what you are , it means they are probably the leanings that you 've got at the moment .
3 So I mean if y if you say that 's , that 's the income you 've got at the moment , what , what sort of income would you believe that er that Mrs Goodwin would need if you were n't around tomorrow ?
4 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
5 The difference between tactics and strategy " is that tactics covers what you need to do at the moment and strategy provides the broad guidelines that determine over-all direction .
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