Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] been involved in " in BNC.

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1 Or that I 've been involved in a murder .
2 But you said yourself just a few moments ago that I 've been involved in a world where drugs are common currency . ’
3 Well , the studies that I 've been involved in , the computer has performed certainly as well as a consultant , and at times much better than a junior doctor in the particular situation that I 'm talking about .
4 I told her that I had been involved in one of the IRA attacks when I had been blown up in the Brighton Bomb , and that I had friends and colleagues who had been badly hurt or killed .
5 So what are the areas of work that you 've been involved in ?
6 You you 've indicated that the work that you 've been involved in has changed you in some respects i i it certainly m m made you m m more aware of of other other other people and the way they 're prepared to help .
7 is that we 've been involved in health strategy for the past over five years .
8 Britain broke off diplomatic relations with the Syrians four years ago after allegations that they 'd been involved in trying to below up and Israeli airliner .
9 Well in the sense that they 've been involved in it .
10 We 're trying at the moment to get in non-conformist church records , or at least to get copies of them if the churches do n't want to let us have them , because they 're quite important for the nineteenth century history of East Sussex , and erm really any help that we can get from the general public who 've got old documents relating to their properties , minutes of any organisation that they 've been involved in , or that used to exist and that 's now collapsed , anything like that that can add to the history of the county we 're always very grateful to receive .
11 We 're trying at the moment to get in Nonconformist church records , or at least to get copies of them if the churches do n't want to let us have them , because they 're quite important for the nineteenth century history of East Sussex , and erm really any help that erm that we can get from the general public who 've got old documents relating to their properties , minutes of any organisations that they 've been involved in or that used to exist and that 's now collapsed , anything like that that can add to the history of the county , we 're always very grateful to receive .
12 The atmosphere with the actual returnees themselves is one of concern and apprehension I guess , because they 're concerned that they 've been involved in this , this crisis and they 're not quite sure what 's happening , and they are er not really being told by everybody , you know , there 's just too many people to make it very clear where they 're all going and when they 're all going .
13 More of the non-medical staff said that fundholding had changed their job , and when asked to elaborate said that they had been involved in a lot of extra work .
14 The three alleged leaders arrested were Moslem Brotherhood members , although their lawyer on March 15 denied that they had been involved in any type of illegal activity .
15 how far teachers felt that they had been involved in the review ;
16 After 1986 parliamentary concern shifted towards the security service or MI5 , particularly because of allegations that it had been involved in attempts to smear elected politicians during the 1970s .
17 Even Roquelaure 's omission to tell him that he 'd been involved in setting up the deal with Iran seemed less mysterious as the Métro train cruised beneath the Paris streets .
18 Therefore in borderline cases the prosecution might have to rely on the severity of injury and damage , or the noise of the accident , to help prove to the court beyond all reasonable doubt that the driver must have realised that he had been involved in an accident .
19 All we know of him was that he had been involved in RAF mountain rescue in Anglesey , and had quite recently been on a posting in Lincolnshire .
20 Though he had his doubts about al-Megrahi — his ‘ answers to questions were not always convincing ’ — he found Fhimah ‘ a simple man , and it was hard to believe that he had been involved in a terrorist case .
21 There has never been any hint that he 's been involved in underhand dealings . ’
22 We begin to leaf through two large black plan chests containing examples of numerous advertising campaigns that he has been involved in over the years .
23 Despite the fact that he has been involved in more intimidating tackles than most professionals of his generation , he thinks a line has to be drawn between hard edged professionalism and pathological violence .
24 She recently found out that he has been involved in at least five other relationships , three concurrent to hers .
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