Example sentences of "not yet [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In principle , and in theory , it may be appealing to believe that we can all unite and go along together with common defence and foreign policies , but the reality — and after the Gulf war , I must say , the experience , too , to some extent — suggests that we have not yet developed the degree of cohesion and common purpose that must must be a prerequisite for common foreign and defence policies .
2 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : I have not yet seen a reply from the chief executive , but my understanding is that the position is exactly as I told the Hon. Gentleman in Committee .
3 Mr Keith Banks , a principal education officer for Durham , said he had not yet seen the guarantee in writing .
4 This you have in common with the rest of the zodiac but Virgos , in particular , will discover aspects and talents within themselves that have not yet seen the light of day .
5 So the book , or one of the books , which Eliot wanted me to write has not yet seen the light of day .
6 Chairman Bob Gavron said that the group had not yet seen an upturn in its markets , and that the modest increase in pretax profits was achieved by an increase in market share in some businesses , an improved product mix , greater efficiency and cost containment .
7 Labour changes from being at a stage where it has not yet become a thing in itself and is merely an aspect of social life , to a stage when although still an aspect of social life it involves exploitation , i.e. slavery and serfdom , to a third stage when labour has become mysteriously represented as a thing and is used for a different kind of exploitation .
8 They were pure ‘ gimmick ’ — a much-used Fifties word which had not yet become a term of abuse .
9 I have not yet received a reply to my letter dated 21st May 1992 asking for information about temporary caravan sites and caravan rallies .
10 Obviously , I did not receive an answer to my question from the Scottish Office and , even under the priority written procedure , I have not yet received an answer from the Secretary of State for Transport .
11 The Swiss Government has also submitted its application for membership , but has not yet received the assent in the referendum which it requires for this application to go forward formally .
12 ELIMINATING the negative has not yet done the trick for Labour .
13 Until now the race has been organised as part of the larger Middlesbrough Festival , but the council has not yet determined the date of that event .
14 Marry , so there have been diverse good plots devised and wise counsels cast already about reformation of that realm , but they say it is the fatal destiny of that land that no purposes whatsoever are meant for her good will prosper or take good effect , which whether it proceed from the very genius of the soil , or the influence of the stars , or that Almighty God hath not yet appointed the time of her reformation , or that He reserveth her in this unquiet state still , for some secret scourge which shall by her come unto England , it is hard to be known but yet much to be feared .
15 To date I have not yet discovered a document with this imprint on , but I live in hope of finding one , some day .
16 Although it has not yet achieved an acceptability on a par with headhunting in America , it has now established a recognised niche in British business , and is thrusting deeper into the corporate jungle .
17 The snow was blinding but had blown so hard that it had not yet formed a blanket on the land .
18 I have not yet challenged the assumption with which conventionalism begins : that whatever consensus lawyers have achieved about legislation and precedent is properly seen as a matter of convention .
19 Norwegian scientists who have been testing the seas for several years have yet to detect any significant radioactive contaminating of fish , but they have not yet tested the water near the dumping sites .
20 Fowler had not yet heard a word from Cissie , which perhaps explained why the old man asked and answered his own questions .
21 The desire for improved services was centred among Congregationalists and Baptists while what we might call a larger search for dignity pertained to all the major denominations ; the Congregationalist , Dr George Barrett , told a 1900 meeting of the Free Church Council that ‘ Nonconformists have not yet enlisted the imagination as a handmaid to faith …
22 For all his scrupulously clean musicianship Hardy does not yet command the range of colour and accent of Shlomo Mintz — witness the windover-the-graves scales at the end of the first and last movements .
23 The Home Secretary has not yet made a decision on what recommendations if any will be adopted .
24 Abdel Wahid El Wakil has not yet made a building in the UK and works abroad mainly in the Gulf .
25 The hon. Gentleman has not yet asked a question of the Prime Minister .
26 It is quite appropriate that moral philosophers should group together children and madmen as beings not fully responsible for their actions , for as madmen are thought to lack freedom of choice , so children do not yet possess the power of reason in a developed form .
27 The fame of Ian Dury — godfather of punk , creator of Sex ‘ n ’ Drugs and Rock ‘ n ’ Roll and , as he describes himself in rhyming slang , ‘ Britain 's best-known raspberry ripple ’ — has not yet reached every corner of the Royal Shakespeare Company at Stratford .
28 Alas , the Disney magic dust has not yet reached every corner of the French theme park .
29 He , like Lewis , had not yet reached a position of religious faith , but he was dissatisfied with purely materialistic explanations for life 's mysteries , and he found the conversation of Barfield intoxicating .
30 On March 11 former President Ahmed Ben Bella 's party , the Movement for Democracy in Algeria ( Mouvement pour la démocratie en Algérie ) , was legalized although Ben Bella himself remained in exile in Switzerland , the Algerian judicial authorities having not yet reached a decision on whether to drop charges against him .
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