Example sentences of "it might [adv] [be] possible [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Tim Higenbottam , a chest consultant at Papworth hospital , Cambridge , said yesterday it might soon be possible to transplant heart , kidney , liver , and lungs from one animal species to another .
2 In other words , if it were possible to remove the grievances of the middle classes against those above them , then it might also be possible to nip off the danger of an alliance between the middle classes and the working classes below them .
3 It might just be possible to get past the ticket collector at West Hampstead without paying but at Finchley Road there was a nearly impenetrable barrier of ticket gates .
4 Degree course in EP — At present it might not be possible to justify a degree devoted wholly to EP but a twelve-module course covering the subjects listed in Section 4 , with considerable emphasis on the analytical content and on multimedia project work , would certainly justify the provision of a course covering the final two years of a degree course .
5 However since the Convention does not specify that the acceptance be directed towards the treaty parties it might not be possible to regard it as a collateral agreement .
6 This practice is inconvenient , and comparison with Community regulations ( or , for that matter , with British secondary legislation ) prompts the question whether it might not be possible to reduce the use of separate commencement orders for Acts of Parliament .
7 Coercion may well be an inherent part of the metaphoric process , but we may nevertheless ask whether it might not be possible to imagine a different type of metaphor , one that was truly interactive in a positive sense .
8 Holmes J. recognised that it might not be possible to establish the forfeiture without quo warranto but considered that even before or until such a proceeding the effect of the clause upon the plaintiffs ' business could be serious , and ( 2 ) the incurring of a penalty which would continue to accrue and accumulate pending litigation should the plaintiffs ultimately fail .
9 It might even be possible to create a ‘ place in the sun ’ , where car parking has been placed underground because a place in the sun for townsfolk is more important than a place in the sun for cars ( e ) .
10 It might even be possible to extend this process more broadly across higher education so that there was a national system of accreditation .
11 It might even be possible to develop two-tier boards .
12 Thiemens said that it might even be possible to apply the effect to enrichment of certain isotopes .
13 It might even be possible to scare him into silence , although when he was brought to Owen 's office in the early hours of the morning that did not seem very likely .
14 However that may be , the prediction that non-ascriptive adjectives will be ungrammatical here is borne out by the evidence of associatives and others ( this is the more revealing , since it might sometimes be possible to understand the meaning which would be intended by the construction where they could be supposed to occur ) : ( 62 ) Fanshawe reported O'Neill 's collar clerical Jones could not imagine his wife former
15 It might then be possible to begin to analyse the boundaries , alignments and the power in the family drawing on the work of Minuchin ( 1981 ) .
16 It might then be possible to piece the photographs together and ‘ play ’ them with a photo-electric cell .
17 In order to damp down monarchist hopes that it might now be possible to pressure him into resigning , Franco wrote to Don Juan on 2 December 1954 , telling him that power would not be transferred in Franco 's lifetime and that his successor would be bound by the guiding principles of the regime set up in 1939 .
18 It might perhaps be possible to work with small groups of youngsters in their own area ( one such group is working with Margaret in Surrey ) and incorporate some of their work with that of the main team .
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