Example sentences of "it may [adv] [be] necessary [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In as much as the purpose of the trials is to establish the suitability of a package of products , used for maintenance rather than remedial cleaning , it may also be necessary to arrange for a ‘ deep clean ’ prior to the trial otherwise the results may be distorted .
2 It may also be necessary to include mechanisms for the identification of non-words in order to explain skilled reading .
3 ( W1 ) WHILE = unc ( W2 ) WHILE unc ( W3 ) WHILE = unc ( W4 ) WHILE true unc ( W5 ) WHILE b SEQ ( P , Q ) unc if no variable appearing in b is input or assigned to in Q In addition to laws in this familiar style , it may also be necessary to use more explicitly directed transformations towards particular standard forms .
4 To facilitate easier access it may also be necessary to add other pointers ( Figure 5.10 ) , such as a pointer to the beginning of the list or to the previous record as well as the next one .
5 It may also be necessary to adjust accepted labour constants to the actual circumstances of the job .
6 In some cases , it may also be necessary to experiment with the indicator ( L1 ) for optimum results .
7 It may also be necessary to correct any fluid or electrolyte imbalance .
8 In some cases it may also be necessary to apply endorsement H03 .
9 It may also be necessary to begin keyboard skills in the last year of primary school and to continue this as required at the secondary level .
10 It may also be necessary to ensure that parents do not become over-zealous in their commitment to a particular kind of therapeutic activity to the extent that it limits , rather than expands , the child 's experiences , or dominates the lives of other members of the family .
11 It may also be necessary to specify in the lease the lifts that are passenger lifts and those that are goods lifts .
12 It may also be necessary to request suppliers to provide the details by post refraining from sending a representative .
13 It may also be necessary to obtain a psychological profile of the boy .
14 It may also be necessary to consider the availability of a roving radio microphone ( controlled by a member of staff ) to handle questions from the floor .
15 Stories and legends may have offered some sort of introduction to the more distant past , but it may well be necessary to use one of the school designed local history units as a " bridging " unit to work backwards in time , in a series of leaps , in order to bridge the chasm between history within living memory ( which will have been the natural focus for much work at Key Stage 1 ) and distant periods such as the age of Ancient Egyptians or Romans .
16 If an agency loses a valuable client spending millions , it may well be necessary to dismiss staff .
17 In some circumstances , however , a teacher would be foolish to risk leaving it at ( 2 ) ; it may well be necessary to adopt ( 3 ) as an instruction to the class as the only way of engaging their interest .
18 It is therefore suggested that it may well be necessary to provide help for certain groups of bereaved people .
19 With skill and imagination it may not be necessary to devote as much as 5% of CCW 's budget in order to make significant progress .
20 Most of it would disperse as it found its way through the gravel , and it may not be necessary to form a soakaway at the end of the drain .
21 It may not be necessary to back up your words with actions — he or she may leave you alone after that .
22 Having achieved that , it may not be necessary to use the aid again .
23 For information acting as a historical record , it may not be necessary to carry out periodic examinations to determine if the data require updating ; for example , where an evidential/security ‘ log ’ of all messages sent and received by an electronic messaging system is being maintained .
24 But it may not be necessary to kill him .
25 Readers can determine whether or not any extra suppression is required with some simple usage tests , as it may not be necessary to go to the added expense of incorporating any spike suppressors , depending on the characteristics of the light unit used .
26 The areas that are the responsibility of each District Land Registry vary from time to time , although now that compulsory land registration is completed throughout the country , it may not be necessary to seek further variations in the future .
27 If we are only monitoring a process of purification , it may not be necessary to identify impurities , but unless we do , we can not be sure how sensitive the check on purity is .
28 If those who are called before that time are relatively brief , it may not be necessary to impose the limit .
29 It may still be necessary to avoid certain food items or undergo other forms of treatment , but it should speed the body 's recovery , and make it possible to return to a more normal diet sooner .
30 This will especially be the case should it not be possible to agree terms with the preferred bidder , as it may then be necessary to open negotiations with another party before all the indicative offerers become aware of the initial set back .
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