Example sentences of "it will almost [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If this is successful it will almost certainly be extended to other stores .
2 Connections to the soil pipe are more difficult as it will almost certainly be made of cast iron — see page 66 .
3 Yet , whatever the short- and medium-term vicissitudes , it will almost certainly be completed , if only because any other course would be seen , however unreasonably , as a failure of political and diplomatic will on the part of this country .
4 Whatever it contains , it will almost certainly be based on storing power at local government and Westminster level , rather than Stormont .
5 He says that it will almost certainly be left to fend for itself , seeking business abroad .
6 For the optimists , anything that can be insisted upon will be so basic that it will almost inevitably be mastered incidentally , while the class is actually engaged in pursuits that are far more demanding , interesting , varied and relevant .
7 If , for example , a tail follows a tonic syllable that has a rising tone , it will almost always be found that the syllable or syllables of the tail will continue to move upwards from the pitch of the tonic syllable .
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