Example sentences of "it was widely [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was widely felt that smaller firms offered a better service for nationally-based positions .
2 When Paul Devereux took over The Ley Hunter in 1976 , it was widely assumed that some form of energy existed at ancient sites , but there had been virtually no research to back these ideas up .
3 Wingti 's position was improved by the defection to his government of a further six MPs , but it was widely assumed that some of those not rewarded with Cabinet office were unlikely to remain permanently within the government coalition .
4 The law was welcomed by leading Soviet journalists , but it was widely assessed that true press freedom would only be achieved when state control of paper production and of distribution and ownership of print works was ended .
5 It was widely believed that all restrictions on economic relations would be removed once an appropriate formula of agreement could be devised which would be acceptable to nationalist sensitivities .
6 It was widely believed that inexperienced magistrates were taken in by false evidence and relied too heavily on interpreters and clerks .
7 In his letter of Aug. 14 Saddam had underlined his determination " not to keep any of Iraq 's potential outside the arena of the great duel " and it was widely believed that this implied either an intention to consolidate Iraqi gains in Kuwait or launch an attack against Saudi Arabia .
8 It was widely believed that this provision had been specifically inserted to prevent a return to office by Ríos Montt , an evangelical Protestant who had come to power in the wake of a military coup and ruled as dictator from March 1982 to August 1983 [ see pp. 31605-07 ; 32494-96 ] .
9 It was widely believed that 78-year-old President Kim Il Sung — around whom an extraordinary personality cult had been created — desired that his son should succeed him , but that the younger Kim lacked sufficient authority within either the ruling party or the army to be sure of a smooth succession .
10 It was widely understood that these areas of disagreement were directly attributable to the relative strengths of the superpowers in different categories of weapons .
11 It was widely perceived that direct Israeli military involvement could alter dramatically the whole political complexion of the conflict [ see section below on the Israeli dimension ] .
12 The time when scruples about extrapolating from studies on animals to humans would have seemed absurd , because it was widely held that basic behavioural processes were common to all species and that the complexity of behaviour was simply a function of the capacity of the organism to learn , is long since past .
13 It was widely known that this promised to be a vintage year for books , thanks to an amazingly generous benefaction from a special friend of St.A 's & St.G 's .
14 On Nov. 7 it was widely reported that Nigerian Alpha jets had bombed NPFL positions in the Monrovia suburbs of Gardnersville , Mount Barclay and Stockton Creek the previous day , and had also attacked areas close to the rebel headquarters at Gbarnga , 160 km north of Monrovia on Nov. 5 .
15 It was widely reported that armed police had besieged the state-owned Jerada colliery , which had been occupied for 10 days in late December 1988-early January 1989 by 400 miners .
16 It was widely predicted that last season 's First Division runners-up would melt in the white hot cauldron of Ibrox .
17 It was widely predicted that last season 's First Division runners-up would melt in the white hot cauldron of Ibrox .
18 It was hoped that the fund would raise some 6,000 million forints ( about US$80,000,000 ) in 1991/1992 , although it was widely predicted that this would be insufficient to provide for the estimated 300,000 unemployed in Hungary .
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