Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] wait for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The thunder was continuous and the heavens opened up so , nowhere to go , we were huddled in the tent waiting for the river to rise .
2 I stood in the kitchen waiting for the water to heat up with a distinct feeling of eco-smugness .
3 Her car was still in the garage waiting for a visit from the insurance assessor before work could start on it , but she did n't need it to get into town .
4 Fifteen minutes later McKillop was in the street waiting for a bus that would take him to Westminster where he could get a connection down to Kennington .
5 One cottage I stayed in without electricity or water saw 11 of us standing eagerly over a one-ring Calor gas burner in the morning waiting for a kettle to boil for coffee , when one of our party came into the kitchen , picked up the kettle and took it into the bathroom to wash his face .
6 We had such happy family holidays in the drizzle waiting for the sun to try and come out that it seemed churlish to spoil things with science .
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