Example sentences of "in [noun sg] to reduce the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 There is no rule of law or statutory provision or professional regulation which requires solicitors in partnership to reduce the terms of their agreement to writing .
2 Steps have already been taken and and others are in train to reduce the risk of such incidents ocurring again .
3 Keys in all VSAM indexes are compressed , only the distinguishing parts of the keys being stored , in order to reduce the size of index entries .
4 According to Rowthorn , multinational B 's operating unit in nation state l might be appropriated by the left government and sold off to help provide funds with which to compensate multinational A for the appropriation of its operating unit in nation state 2 ( in order to reduce the chances of direct counter-revolutionary intervention by other states ) .
5 The RSPCA 's policy has been to recommend changes in many fishing practices in order to reduce the possibility of pain .
6 In order to reduce the possibility of failure of this kind , with all its implications for staff and staff-pupil relations , Owen seeks to systematize and formalize the process of referral .
7 They aim to improve family relationships and parenting skills in order to reduce the possibility of family break-up .
8 Once all internal associations are achieved and the geometry fixed ( ie the assembly becomes a group of completed parts ) , the external associations can be re-assigned back to the assembly in order to reduce the complexity of the computational procedures .
9 Vertical equity is the different treatment of different people in order to reduce the consequences of these innate differences .
10 In order to reduce the likelihood of this happening Hearsay-II ( unlike HWIM ) used initial islands consisting of word pairs rather than single words .
11 Under pressure and under personal attack , the planners retreated into a legalistic interpretation of their role , making much of the requirements of various Acts of Parliament most notably The Sewerage ( Scotland ) Act of 1968 which , they argued , obliged them to service all new houses , something which they could only do by concentrating properties in particular places in order to reduce the cost of such an exercise .
12 In talks on Oct. 10 between the governing coalition parties and the opposition Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's proposals to amend Article 16 of the Constitution in order to reduce the numbers of asylum-seekers ( which were opposed by the opposition Social Democratic Party — SPD — as well as by the coalition Free Democratic Party — FDP ) were rejected .
13 Constitutional changes also figure in the public choice programme of reform in order to reduce the power of demand groups , thereby making it more difficult for bureaucrats to oversupply public goods .
14 It is currently being tested for use in an aerosolised form which delivers a lower total dose of the drug directly to the lungs , in order to reduce the risk of side effects .
15 If your cheque book is lost or stolen , let your bank know immediately in order to reduce the risk of fraud on your account .
16 Curtains that have linings sewn in will require dry cleaning in order to reduce the risk of lining and curtain fabric shrinking at different rates .
17 In addition there were behavioural remedies proposed in order to reduce the extent of the product tie .
18 Sea defences : Breakwaters to be constructed and beaches consolidated ( by replacing and compacting the sand that has been washed away ) in order to reduce the effect of the waves .
19 Though jury service was regarded as an important right by many members of the Sri Lankan élite , it was considered an irksome duty by the British planting community , and in order to reduce the burden of service the size of juries was twice reduced during the late nineteenth century .
20 The idea is to attract the pest , usually the males before mating occurs , in order to reduce the number of viable eggs .
21 As explained above , attempting correction on all candidate strings would reach explosive proportions in most cases , but correction techniques can be directed , in order to reduce the number of strings on which the algorithms are tried .
22 A National Guard , reporting directly to the President , was to be established immediately , in order to reduce the role of the army in riot control ; according to official sources it would number tens of thousands , and would incorporate the riot police .
23 Irradiation of food does not conform to attempts to cut down the number and scale of radiation emitters in order to reduce the risks of contamination of plant workers and local communities .
24 The courses will reflect changes made by the national curriculum in order to reduce the amount of internally-assessed coursework allowed in English exams .
25 Criminal plaints were sometimes filed against the thieves in order to reduce the amount of ransom , or to get a couple of rupees compensation for an eaten animal .
26 After some manoeuvring in order to reduce the amount of electoral competition and therefore the risk of " splitting the vote " , UUUC won 10 seats for 58% of the votes , that is fewer seats for a greater percentage of the poll than in February .
27 We should be using e-mail for internal communications much more widely than we do at present , in order to reduce the amount of paper we currently distribute , and to send specific messages to individuals and groups .
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