Example sentences of "in [noun sg] to keep the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Around the middle of 1969 I had been asked by the Jockey Club whether I would join the board of United Racecourses , for one reason and one reason only : in order to keep the peace between the Jockey Club and Lord Wigg .
2 He looked resentful and slightly embarrassed , like an elderly relative who had grudgingly agreed to pose in order to keep the peace at a Christmas party .
3 In order to keep the level of inflation down , will he have a look at what is happening with the six major grocery chains , the increased share of the margins that they are getting and the fact that their margins are now twice the level found in the major grocery chains throughout Europe ?
4 It requires the Local Authority to seek alternatives in order to keep the child in the family , rather than legal routes for admitting children to care .
5 It gives you a break from purely business discussions in order to keep the tone of the meeting relaxed and friendly .
6 For NME 's part we offer a celebratory discography , though the many US and Euro Sonic offerings have been omitted in order to keep the listing within the bounds of reason .
7 France was to struggle badly and by 1954 , the US was paying 80% of France 's costs for the conflict in order to keep the French in there , knowing that France would withdraw its colonials if things got tricky , leaving an administrative void .
8 We are aware of this calorie usage as production of heat by the body — in order to keep the body at 37 degrees C , our normal temperature , a certain amount of energy is required , and this requires some 80 per cent of our calorie intake .
9 All urban groups contrive in maintaining cheap food prices-as well as international capital and contractors who have interests in copper mining in Zambia ( in order to keep the pressure of union militancy for higher wages from squeezing profits ) .
10 The traditional rectangular tank will not distort the appearance of the fish and you wo n't have to keep shifting your position in order to keep the fish in view .
11 Obviously the order in which the words are presented to the dawg building algorithm is important in order to keep the amount of memory used to a minimum .
12 Pattern recognition techniques that have most often been applied to script include spatial analysis methods ( where strokes are coded by a numbering system on a grid ) which are easy to implement but are only suitable for unconnected characters , and will be user dependent in order to keep the database of character codings small and accuracy high .
13 In order to keep the disease in check , the fish need to be redosed every six weeks , but Chris is certain that with a little more research he will eventually find a cure .
14 Leaving the carb air in the cold position , Y brought the throttles back to 50 per cent power in order to keep the aircraft below Vne .
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