Example sentences of "a more [adj] form [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The need to make films longer , in order to compete with American and French imports , also bred a more insidious form of dependence .
2 As in many other African countries , political developments in Burkina were dominated by moves to create a more pluralistic form of government .
3 ( Montaigne said that ‘ even constancy is a more sluggish form of movement ’ . )
4 Studies which illustrate the pain and distress many relinquishing mothers experience for years to come ( sadly , information about fathers is unavailable ) would suggest a more inclusive form of adoption ( Panor and Baran , 1984 ; Winkler and Keppel , 1984 ) .
5 Where a centre is submitting a proposal for a course in whose subject area the centre has proven experience , a more devolved form of validation will be appropriate .
6 I suppose caning was a a more frequent form of discipline , in those days ?
7 The conservative aspect of the new bourgeoisie is that it establishes a more durable form of capitalism , but as Becker does not see socialism as the only way of ushering in progress , this does not present a problem for him in his depiction of the new corporate bourgeoisie as promoters of development .
8 Another example of a mirror charge , this time in a cylinder , is provided by Figs 2.22 and 2.23 , redrawn in a more suitable form in Fig. 2.36 .
9 That environmentalism may be superseded in schools , as it appears largely to have been in universities , by the locational analysis school is no guarantee of a more appropriate form of explanation .
10 Indeed that may be a more subtle form of propaganda than a constant barrage of criticism .
11 A more subtle form of restriction is to proceed by a philosophy akin to that of apartheid .
12 He sees consciousness as a more subtle form of matter and movement and the source of what we perceive both of the external world and of ourselves , our so-called inner processes lying in the non-manifest , pre-physical realm .
13 The overall conclusion to these studies is that organisations under capitalism are likely to have a more elaborate division of labour , hence a more extensive organisational hierarchy , make greater use of rules and procedures , and generally have a more complex form of organisation than would be the case if there were not a fundamental conflict being worked out within the firm between capital and labour .
14 The selector may try to assess the complexity of the language used , and how this relates to the linguistic experience of his various reader groups , bearing in mind that some subject areas , and the treatment of them , necessarily demand a more complex form of language than others .
15 A more regular form of distortion was the use of zoom lenses , changing focal length during a shot , in the 1960s .
16 House ownership not only confers higher social esteem than council accommodation but it is also a more profitable form of investment , particularly during periods of high inflation .
17 Much more closely associated with the state than was the case in the Christian churches that owed their allegiance to Rome , Russian Orthodoxy helped to promote both a more communitarian form of politics and a feeling that Russians were a ‘ special people ’ with a particular destiny to fulfil in terms of world civilisation .
18 ‘ Thus although , from a technical point of view , the old system of division of labour is thrown overboard , it hangs on in the factory as a tradition handed down from manufacture , and is then systematically reproduced and fixed in a more hideous form by capital as a means of exploiting labour power .
19 The Community began by taking the line that federations were clearly a more advanced form of government than nation states : it refused to countenance any challenge to ‘ the integrity of Yugoslavia ’ and , under the presidency of Luxembourg , made clear to the Slovenes that small countries were not viable in the new Europe .
20 It would provide the multitudinous popular committees and activities with a more advanced form of organisation and structure .
21 All other lorries will have to steer clear of streets originally designed for a more traditional form of transport .
22 John Hunt developed a more stylized form of briefing .
23 And it was criticised on the Right by neo-liberals who favoured a more liberal form of capitalism .
24 By the late 1930s , hire purchase payments , a more respectable form of credit which increased twenty-fold between 1918 and 1938 often totalled 3/ a week in the budget of a labourer earning about £2 .
25 Since the similarities between informal sector seasonal workers and formal sector factory workers are greater than between some groups within the informal sector , such as street sellers and seasonal workers , Bromley suggests a continuum of categories as a more useful form of analysis .
26 However , where word processing is simply a more efficient form of typing and requires no great understanding of design or layout , desktop publishing demands that these things be understood .
27 Equally , it may be socially desirable to enforce partial abatement of the fixed charge element for small users of electricity or gas rather than having to identify a more specific form of assistance .
28 Instead he proposes a more democratic form of professionalism in which there is a more equal exercise of power between individuals and groups within the caring professions and between them and others .
29 From this has emerged the suggestion that villages were an aberration in the landscape and that , in many cases , hamlets and farmsteads predated the villages and in some way represent a more normal form of settlement .
30 One importance of the continuum is that it is a more precise form of categorisation than the simple dichotomy .
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