Example sentences of "a [noun sg] to deal with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr J. Ferguson , 2 Viewfield Road was appointed chairman of a committee to deal with the matter .
2 ‘ I will accept nothing of the sort , Miss Kenton , until I have had a chance to deal with the matter .
3 The programme should also have included a Bill to deal with the crisis in our prisons , by implementing at least part of Lord Justice Woolf 's report .
4 The East India Company later gained a monopoly to deal with the North Americans , but resentment caused the colonists to rebel against the traders and at the Boston Tea Party , the shipment of tea was thrown into the harbour by the rebels .
5 A foreman who spends most of his time riding herd on this week 's production quotas but who must also develop a program to deal with the labor requirements of next year 's retooling has a responsibility time span of a year or a little more .
6 I want those subsidies to be phased down by the Community , and I also want to encourage British coal to be exported to Germany if that is a way to deal with the problem .
7 He asked his colleague if he would consider giving him some age-regression therapy in an attempt to deal with the problem , whatever it was , that had been brought to light .
8 Therefore , he was under an obligation to deal with the money in a particular way , that obligation being constituted by the contract .
9 In an effort to deal with the problem , there are some permanent gypsy sites , although far from enough .
10 An ability to deal with the public is also important — when you 're out working you 'll quite often be approached by a visitor who 'll treat you a bit like Gardener 's Question Time .
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