Example sentences of "and stand [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His best work has a direct simplicity , benefits from its autobiographical inspiration , and stands as a worthy memorial to all those who died in the Spanish civil war .
2 The Carnaud Metal Box plant in Wennington Road on the edge of the town was built only six years ago and stands in a landscaped site of some four acres .
3 the man who 's actually called out in the middle of the night and stands in the pouring rain with his mac on directing operations .
4 They yield 6.2 p.c. and stand on a historic multiple of 12½ .
5 I want the clouds sweeping over the stubble when I creep and stand on the front steps after reading all night , and our owls hoot , and everyone 's sleeping upstairs , sleeping sound , in quiet bedrooms .
6 The light above the front door was switched off , and a cleaner emerged from the theatre with a black plastic bag of rubbish and a broom , and began to brush the foyer , ignoring Jude — who was the last visible occupant — until he reached her , when he gave her a glance of such venom she decided to put up her umbrella and stand on the darkened step .
7 Others , though redundant , are maintained to the point of safety and stand as an impressive reminder of a more faithful age .
8 I walk back up the steps and stand in the open doorway with the gun smoking by my side .
9 A quaint , old provision peculiar to Ireland , enabling a Member to resign , go bankrupt , and stand in the ensuing by-election has , sadly , disappeared ( see Hollinshead v Hazelton [ 1916 ] 1 AC 428 , 452–3 ) .
10 It was such a jolly little lighthouse , white , and standing at the very end of a promontory .
11 He opened its eyes , and standing astride the small body , he clasped it between his rough hands and pulled it up .
12 She would have reacted in exactly the same way if she had been stone-cold sober and standing in a bare room under a fluorescent light .
13 If considerations of foreign diplomacy , unquestionably influenced by his personal fears of the international power of world Jewry , were paramount , the protection of his prestige and standing among the German public was clearly also a matter of concern to Hitler .
14 In 1880 he had had a political fling and stood as a Liberal candidate for the City of London in favour of disestablishment , temperance legislation , social and political reform .
15 He was Hampshire 's coach in 1939 and stood as a first-class umpire in 1949 , the year before his death .
16 They took no notice of him and stood on the front step , talking in low voices .
17 Cecilia went down the steps at West Hampstead station and stood on the lefthand platform waiting for the train to come down from Kilburn .
18 They scrambled over the rabbit netting and stood on the muddy track , flushed and panting , mud stains on their legs and clothes .
19 Charles collapsed like a glove puppet with the hand withdrawn , and stood for a long moment , sagging .
20 She had risen from her deep curtsey , and stood for a long moment gazing steadily into his face .
21 When Martha had gone as well , Tim picked up the whisky he had poured earlier and stood for a long time in the hallway .
22 She went up to her room , put the Diary in her drawer and stood for a long time , breathing on the window and drawing faces .
23 She walked one last time down the rickety boardwalk in front of the cabins , and stood for a long time looking down at the sleeping lodge , the moody lake beyond it .
24 He went and stood over the crumpled heap that was Luke .
25 She should have avoided the Glass House , but she went there at every opportunity , and stood beside the streaming panes with her eyes closed , willing herself to capture something .
26 The threw back the bedclothes , shed her clinging nightgown and stood under a cool shower until she began to come alive .
27 Virginia pushed her bike on to the grass-verge and stood under the heavy foliage of the trees for shelter .
28 Severed eyes are best potted individually in good clean garden soil and stood in a shallow bowl of water with their growing points submerged .
29 They came and stood in a little group , disciplined and obedient .
30 The piglets slowed their headlong gallop to a trot , then , as though controlled by telepathy , they all stopped at once and stood in a pink group in one corner ,
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