Example sentences of "and [is] based [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cash from the council 's community chest bought the tandem for Cleveland Area Tandems for the Sight Impaired ( CATSI ) , which was formed in 1989 and is based at the social centre for the blind in the town 's Stockton Road .
2 The once-great Computer Systems News , which had to suffer the indignity in its declining months of being called Systems and Network Integration , gives up the ghost this week but not before it reports that IBM will turn up at AutoFacts in November with a new-fangled massively parallel machine that runs both AIX/ES and MVS and is based on a new ( possibly hybrid ) chip developed at the Thomas Watson Lab .
3 The sociological variant combines similar scepticism with an analysis of medical power and its effects and is based on a wider critique of the professions and professionalism .
4 This is concerned with group image and is based on a long-term , carefully planned programme designed to achieve maximum recognition and understanding of the organisation 's objectives and performance which is in keeping with realistic expectations .
5 This chapter concentrates on these three national clearinghouses already established , and is based on a longer paper on the subject .
6 The chemistry of these visible light-cured ( VLC ) materials was developed in the UK and is based on a camphoroquinone-tertiary amine system .
7 But it is parallel with the grammatical rules , and is based on the repetitive routines of initiated persons in the society under description .
8 Only a tentative diagnosis is possible during the pulmonary phase of heavy infections when the larvae are migrating , and is based on the simultaneous appearance of pneumonic signs in a litter , often within two weeks of birth .
9 This makes extensive use of PCM-CIA technology and is based on the low-powered Intel 386SL chip .
10 Although the total retail trading area is unchanged at the period end there are in fact two different underlying elements new footage has been laid down in France but this has been off set by a net reduction in the retail trading area in the U K. The sales per square foot which excludes retail sales and is based on the waiting average trading area shows an increase of seven point two percent A low margin of fifty five point six per cent was down from fifty eight point five per cent in the same period last this , this was mainly due to a drop in in-house manufacturing participation and adverse exchange rates .
11 It will have its first performance four months before The Voyage and is based on the Portuguese explorations of Brazil , Japan , China and India which took place in the decade from 1490 to 1500 .
12 IN serves the public , academic , private and voluntary sectors and is based on the Northern regional Library System which was established in 1928 .
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