Example sentences of "and [adv prt] [prep] the main [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She watched him ride on , past the lilacs , past the green door and on towards the main gate to the farmyard .
2 He fell silent as he wrestled the van round a corner and on to the main road .
3 The lorry rolled down the lane and on to the main road .
4 Corbett nodded and followed both the envoy and his strange companion out of the room and down to the main hall of the castle .
5 Blake then went up to the second floor of the block and along to the main window .
6 Welcomed aboard by the young and good looking French crew we walked through the automatic glass sliding doors into the air conditioned reception room and through to the main lounge finished with luxurious mint green leather settees , a piano and cocktail bar .
7 The Way continues up into the Black Mountains going over Sugar Loaf and up onto the main escarpment .
8 Into our uniform and out to the main post .
9 Through the quarry and the conifer woods and out into the main road where the yellow lights make you look like something in a Hammer horror .
10 He went through the green door in the Customs Hall and out into the main lounge .
11 Straggling , beaten columns of troops marched without equipment into the town and out along the main road to Kiev .
12 The residents of Monte Samana were just beginning to stir , and the smell of strong Spanish coffee wafted from open windows and balconies as she drove along the flower-edged lanes of the complex and out of the main gate towards the village .
13 So you need more than ‘ just enough ’ space — in corridors , past exhibition stands , into and out of the main forum , to the toilets and refreshment facilities ; more than theory or the fire inspector demands .
14 For a short run , I usually end at Westsandwick , taking the loop road through the township and back to the main road .
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