Example sentences of "and [pers pn] go [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sergeant Jennings here will make some tea , then she 'll stay with you while Mr Morgan and I go over to the stables .
2 ‘ So , in the meantime — ’ it was almost as though he 'd read her mind ! ‘ — I suggest that you and I go back to the party .
3 A love song on the crackly Holiday Inn radio which the maid always switches on as her final flourish after she 's done the room ( Hugo and I go down to the pool and swim and use the sauna while we wait for her to finish ) or a pop song on the telly as Hugo and I eat our continental breakfast ( orange juice , coffee , a croissant and a Danish each ) , too languid even to stretch out for the remote control and switch it off — will make tears come to my eyes : move me with the desire to say , You do love me , do n't you !
4 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
5 Yeah , you say it after one go and you go up to the next go do n't you ?
6 The you walk down one street , and you say , ‘ Well I had better get back to my bearings , or I shall lose myself and you go back to the town hall .
7 You ge you forget yourself do n't you and you go back to the two times table , we 're on threes now .
8 Follow that philosophy and we go back to the days of the bland leading the bland .
9 At midday all the people from Amantani dress up in traditional costume and they go up to the two centres .
10 And she 's just like , this really officious and then , she just said , everybody goes round , and they try and get the cheapest price and they go back to the place that are giving the cheapest price , whatever .
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