Example sentences of "and [adj] support for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In March 1986 a BBC monitor report told of demonstrations in Tehran by students and others , ostensibly Gulf Arab nationals , protesting against Kuwaiti and Saudi support for the Iraqi war effort .
2 Portugal also provided humanitarian and logistical support for the multinational force .
3 The contrast between increased industrial output and deteriorating social and economic conditions sharpened their political consciousness and strengthened support for the clandestine labour movement , especially among the younger workers , who had not experienced the Civil War and did not have the " peace at any price " outlook of some of their parents ' generation .
4 For Japan , settlement of the dispute was a key precondition to Japanese financial and technological support for the Soviet economy .
5 Our view is that the maintenance , deployment and continued support for the sea-launched ballistic missile programmes of both Polaris and Trident would be sufficient for us to make a contribution to the defence of the west and of these islands .
6 Papal implication in subsequent plotting against Elizabeth and financial support for the Spanish Armada only served to confirm this equation , and as a consequence Elizabeth was unable to withstand the growing pressure from her Protestant subjects for the introduction of harsher recusancy laws and civil disabilities for Catholics .
7 So far as the Chinese were concerned , in the late 1970s , there were ‘ three great obstacles ’ to the restoration of closer relations : Soviet troops in Afghanistan , the Soviet military presence along their long common border , and Soviet support for the Vietnamese-sponsored regime in Kampuchea .
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