Example sentences of "and [noun sg] at the [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 The tighter the constraint provided by the context , the greater the excitations and feedback at the higher level .
2 The difficulty we all share is how can one construct a planning framework which allows for strategically significant inward investment to be accommodated without declaring an open season of speculative proposals from developers and uncertainty at the local level up and down the county .
3 But it this ‘ assumption of … manhood ’ ( Fanon , Black Skin , 41 ) has constituted an agency of resistance — no small achievement when one recalls the crippling effects of domination and exploitation at the subjective level , effects which Fanon himself charts — it is one which perpetuates , in terms of sexual and gender relations , the very oppression being resisted at other levels .
4 Under the banner of industrial democracy various changes have been proposed in the structure of the organisation , decision-making and ownership of companies , involving things such as compulsory councils and co-determination at the shop-floor level , the representation of workers on the board , and most recently ( in Sweden and Holland ) the setting up of a union-controlled wage-earners ' fund by capitalising a percentage of pretax profits , with the newly issued shares being placed in the fund and used to acquire interests in other companies and to supplement wages in the lowest-paid jobs .
5 For , as we shall see , political practice and behaviour at the local level can vary widely , even with the same party in control of the council chamber .
6 First , academic institutions have made only moderate progress in developing internal processes which encourage self-reflection and self-criticism at the institutional level .
7 True , in real systems , there are interactions between polymer and solvent at the molecular level that are really ‘ chemistry ’ .
8 Most of the preceding discussion deals with accommodation and adaptation at the phonological level .
9 There is a resonance of protestant beliefs in their unchurched experience , their rough , straight-from-the-shoulder speech , their interpretation of history and tradition , and solidarity at the economic level based on their dependency upon the leadership of the group as a whole for their work and welfare .
10 It is intended to formulate and test models of the British economy , incorporating rational expectations as well as alternative expectations schemes in models which will also specify innovation and choice at the micro level and integrate micro-economic behaviour with macroeconomic variables .
11 There is much to be gained from integrating the considerations of culture and civil society in his work with the autonomist understanding of production and reproduction at the basal level which , at least for me , provides such a clear and coherent account of the capitalist relations of production and of the implications of those relations for class action .
12 Drivers may normally have no memory at all for actions performed at the operational level , moreover , there is a suggestion that in some circumstances memory for actions and information at the tactical level may also be almost entirely absent .
13 While they were subject to important central pressures , the Area Chairmen and their Boards had considerable authority and status at the local level , which they sought to develop by rooting their Boards firmly in the local community .
14 While her theoretical analysis of the interrelationships of gender and class at the general level may be controversial , few feminists would disagree with her comments about education .
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