Example sentences of "and [verb] himself [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He sighed and lowered himself to the other end of the settee .
2 He gave support to William Wallace in his fight for Scottish independence but deserted him and aligned himself with the English King Edward I who was trying to dominate Scotland .
3 When Knox became a fellow of King 's in 1909 he inherited the then deceased Headlam 's work on Herodas and applied himself to the fragmentary texts of the Herodas papyri in the British Museum .
4 Simon had put Ben onto his lead so that he did n't run back down to the beach and cut himself on the rusty barbed wire .
5 But it should be remembered that his was an extremely impassioned and subjective response of a man who had fought in Spain , toured some of the depressed North and committed himself to the increasing intellectual and left-wing policies of the Independent Labour Party .
6 Eventually Don grappled with the critical section , and with a quick windmill of arms and legs was up and establishing himself on the next stance .
7 As the god made no response Aenarion kept his promise and threw himself into the raging , white-hot inferno .
8 He made a dash for the big front door and threw himself into the gloomy chill of the hall .
9 At the branch of a St Lucia hotel , Doc pulls his face into a welcoming rictus and steels himself for the Happy Hour invasion .
10 Six was brought up in the family business but declining trade prompted him to retire early and devote himself to the wide range of interests typical of an eighteenth-century intellectual , although there is no evidence that he ever received any formal training .
11 ( 1937 , You 're in the Army Now in US ) , the improbable tale of an American hoodlum who takes on the identity of a murdered gambling companion and finds himself in the British Army , where he slowly comes to understand the habits of self-effacing Englishmen .
12 Harry withdrew inch by inch along the dim passageway to the end , where he could have the wall on two sides of him , and flattened himself into the last shallow embrasure , beneath the last curved corbel .
13 Jack was coming towards her , and flattened himself against the other side .
14 Daak shouted , and flattened himself against the curving wall , pulling Ace with him .
15 But Jane insists she 's still a Gazza fan … and that no-one would be happier than her if he put his troubles behind him and established himself as the best , as well as the most talked about , footballer in the world .
16 Sooner or later , he would have to flesh out his identity and define himself to the French people , by stating his views on difficult and often divisive issues .
17 Mr Walesa has now apparently decided to stress the more open-minded traditions of Polish patriotism — Poland was once a central European melting pot — and to distance himself from the foreigner-hating sort of nationalism to be found among some Polish politicians and churchmen .
18 This fantasy is shattered when Magwitch suddenly re-enters his life and announces himself as the mysterious benefactor .
19 But in the short and euphoric interval , even Mr Mann has softened his approach , indicating that he was now prepared to accept the constitution of India , and distancing himself from the latest demands by the ultra-belligerent Sikh student movement for an alternative government .
20 But in the short and euphoric interval , even Mr Mann has softened his approach , indicating that he was now prepared to accept the constitution of India , and distancing himself from the latest demands by the ultra-belligerent Sikh student movement for an alternative government .
21 In more than one crunch game when the pressure was off and the ball was in the opposition 's half , Frank would climb on to the bar and endear himself to the Celtic faithful by pretending to sleep on the woodwork .
22 D'Arcy punched the intercom button and introduced himself to the disembodied Oriental voice at the other end .
23 And finding himself in the musical cauldron that was Minneapolis at the turn of the '80s must have helped …
24 He stopped talking as Marshka entered and wheeled himself into the empty space at the table , at that end farthest , on the right-hand side , from the president .
25 Recovering his balance with uncanny speed , he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim .
26 Salim 's outlook incorporates a version of that of his friend Indar , who teaches in the polytechnic for a while , and lends himself to the philanthropic white-liberal cultivation of the African experience , where some of the best comedy in the book is located .
27 Mr Clinton this week temporarily abandoned his cosy , common touch and wrapped himself in the full trappings of the presidency .
28 He left school at sixteen and immersed himself in the Labour Party , canvassing for the 1966 general election .
29 Saunderson left school to go to a nearby college , and immersed himself in the local house scene , deejaying and doing one-off parties .
30 Peregrine , however , was there lying back in his chair and offering himself to the hot sun in rather a shameless way .
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