Example sentences of "and [verb] himself [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As well take to kissing Bruce Davidson good-night , he told himself , and got himself out of the door on this thought .
2 He sighed and flung himself down on the chair .
3 ‘ Now then , ’ he said , crouching under the eave and seating himself comfortably at the foot of his bed , ‘ what 's it all about , eh ? ’
4 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
5 He only came to the Sahara to get a sun-tan and lose weight , so that he can put on his dark glasses and show himself off in the bars back home . ’
6 Hardly was he around the corner than the man in the parked car climbed out , crossed the road and let himself in to the apartment-block .
7 Detectives believed the armed man must have run inside the hospital and holed himself up in the office .
8 In Allen v. Jarvis ( 1869 ) L.R. 4 Ch.App. 616 a solicitor-executor drew up a bill of costs amounting to £691 and paid himself out of the testator 's assets .
9 ‘ Damn cheek , ’ he muttered , and hitched himself up onto the edge of the couch .
10 Having saved the sports car company and turned himself in at the end of series one , Clive Owen led off the second series in 1991 completing the last days of a prison sentence and abandoning the city slicker lifestyle for a battle to save a bankrupt stately home .
11 ‘ We are all men of the world ’ — he excluded the Archdeacon from eye contact and addressed himself exclusively to the Dean — ‘ so of course we know , do we not , that problems of that sort for young clergy bring with them all kinds of undesirable connections .
12 Confronted with a party weighted in favour of the clerical , he nevertheless took a thoughtful look at Hugh Beringar , and addressed himself rather to the secular justice .
13 We recall that in the notebooks Dostoevsky has Raskolnikov reflect upon his crime and declare he had to commit it to achieve moral development and get himself out of the mess he was in .
14 The immediacy of this world of conflict demands that regardless of his proximity to the metaphorical dirt he is controlling , he needs to erect and maintain social and psychological barriers and separate himself conceptually from the ‘ prig ’ .
15 Newly appointed as Duke of Swabia , Frederick Barbarossa had an opportunity to mix with other nobles , and acquitted himself well in the crusade .
16 She repressed a shudder as he took the bonnet and curled himself down onto the floor holding it daintily between his long fingers — which she had been careful to avoid touching .
17 Gooch had a bowl , but it was an hour before the next casualty , Akram sparing Salim Malik in a misunderstanding over a third run and taking himself off on the sad trek back to the redbrick pavilion .
18 Instead of proceeding at his normal brisk trot , he lumbered up the step-ladder and heaved himself ponderously inside the machine 's cabin .
19 said Billy , and heaved himself out of the chair with difficulty .
20 Having assured himself that he was all alone , he climbed from his bed , entered his dressing-gown and took himself down to the kitchen for the first breakfast of the day .
21 ‘ For Christ 's sake , get out , ’ he muttered , and levering himself out of the chair , he crossed the room in a stride and climbed the open stairs three at a time .
22 Gazzer lay face down on the bank and inched himself out over the edge .
23 He pushed hurriedly through the bar area and located himself directly beneath the mixing desk where , hiding shyly behind the cavorting dance floor bodies , he would attract the minimum of attention .
24 Wully Gurk sidled up and squeezed himself on to the end of the seat .
25 Following the United States invasion of Panama on Dec. 20 to remove Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega from power [ see pp. 37112-13 ] , Noriega on Jan. 3 voluntarily left the papal nunciature , where he had sought refuge , and gave himself up to the US authorities after being persuaded by the papal nuncio , Mgr José Sebastián Laboa , that asylum in a third country was not a viable option .
26 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
27 Will the criminal have to climb down from the roof ( in which case he ca n't take a lot with him ) , or can he go downstairs and let himself out of the house ?
28 She was surprised to find that she was not at all self-conscious with him and she moved to nestle comfortably against him when he rolled away from her and propped himself up on the pillows .
29 He turned round again and propped himself up in the bed .
30 He was already inside and sitting himself down by the time I spoke .
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