Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] the edge of " in BNC.

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1 I take a camera and sit on the edge of the water .
2 She tripped , and tottered at the edge of the kerb .
3 With one final corkscrew twist the path came out of the woods , flattened out and meandered along the edge of a lush expanse of green lawn .
4 She takes from the bottom of her wardrobe a pair of calf-length fashion boots in dark brown leather and sits on the edge of the bed to pull them on . )
5 ( Max gets up and sits on the edge of his bed and smokes a pipe .
6 Decorative angle brackets stamped or cut from thin sheet-iron and spaced along the edge of the lid at intervals of about six inches completed the furniture .
7 She got up , came across the room and perched on the edge of his chair .
8 He cast around for a chair , shoved some papers aside with a foot and perched on the edge of an armchair .
9 Feeling nervous , she clasped her trembling hands together and perched on the edge of the couch , her eyes fixed on the doorway .
10 She sidled cautiously towards the equipment , and perched on the edge of a deep mahogany box .
11 The jeep continued to bounce and surge along the rutted , forlorn track that led , Robyn prayed , to the barn and to help , for several more minutes , while she gripped the wheel and perched on the edge of her seat , peering through the rain for any signs of civilisation .
12 She set the coffee down on the little table and perched on the edge of the bed .
13 Hugh , who had been reading about the dangers of having a smoker as a cohabitee , waved his handkerchief through the air and moved to the edge of the terrace .
14 Starting from the clubhouse on the first day and walking along the edge of the wood we came to a piece of natural grassland studded with patches of purpose tufted vetch and orchids growing among the unmown grass .
15 Satisfied he was at least decently dressed , Seb raised his head cautiously and peered over the edge of the hollow .
16 Shreds of rubber twisted and coiled at the edge of the highway .
17 The radial shields are large and contiguous or nearly so in spinea while they are quite small , usually separated and confined to the edge of the disk in hamula. 3 .
18 I left Werewolf with a withering look and headed for the edge of the road , cutting back deeper into the trees so I could n't be seen from the farmhouse when I reached the fenced-off field .
19 Lachlan released him , and sank on the edge of the bed .
20 The hunk of bread was knocked out of his hand and dropped on the edge of the hearth-stone .
21 You pull the chain down really low and pee on the edge of them .
22 Dyson swung left into a main road , looking over his shoulder to watch out for traffic from the right , and drove over the edge of the kerb .
23 The Prosecution alleges that it was here , on a night in November two years ago that Pauline Leyshon and her boyfriend Ivor Stokle were bundled into a car which was then set alight and pushed over the edge of the hill .
24 And crawled over the edge of the dish and slid down into the mushy stuff .
25 Please do n't side-track me , ’ she said with brisk coolness , glancing down at the notebook in her hand , chewing the end of her pen , and perching on the edge of the desk .
26 ‘ You 've never implored in your life , ’ Ruth murmured , resting her wet head on his shirt for a second before pulling away and perching on the edge of the lounger .
27 She buttoned up , put on her shorts , slung her bag over her shoulder and walked to the edge of the sea , then back again .
28 After a couple of minutes he gave up the attempt , left the tool box by the cottage wall and walked to the edge of the cliff then slithered down to the beach .
29 There was a balcony outside ; I climbed over the low sill and walked to the edge of it .
30 I came out to get myself a drink and stepped on the edge of the bar of the block , taking a big chunk of skin out of my foot .
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